What are you getting your fish for Christmas?

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I got myself a Christmas gift, which of course was for my tanks haha. I got my fish a fluval 406 canister filter, some new plants, got two electric blue rams and a blue angel! I think That's a pretty good fish Christmas haha
Cabomba, dwarf baby tears, and a red plant that was dying in the store, guy didn't know what it was but gave me 2 bunches of it for $1.50, couldn't pass up trying to save it, it's doing well now haha
Today I got some new zoas, and I decided to re-arrange my rocks (again). Now they have more caves and bridges and swim-throughs. Also new rocks will be purchased tomorrow as well. Furthermore, as a gift to the new zoas, they are going to be getting a new lighting system on Friday!
And I scraped off the algae off my glass, which my tang was more than happy to eat.
Spoiled brats.
Bigger, more heavily planted tank. Some GBR's and Angelfish friends :)

especially looking forward to some amazon swords and rotala indica :D
I am also getting them they api freshwater master test kit
Bought my elephant nose a new huge cave ( my husband thinks I'm mad it cost a lot!) Gonzo,s loving it so that's all that matters lol
One tank will be getting a fluval 206, one gets a huge piece of driftwood, and the third gets new tankmates :) merry fishmas to them :lol: :p
Nothing, my fish get plenty throughout the year lol I'll probably give them a feast of frozen foods though and I might buy myself more Otos :)
Turns out I am getting my fish Christmas presents! I'm getting my fish a new filter, the Aquaclear 50, because their old filter broke and the temporary one makes such strong current that everyone hates it. I'll also be giving my anacharis a tank to grow in, since they've been sitting in a bucket in the garage since October lol. Gonna get a light for them to grow.
My rams spawned today! i guess they gave me something :) im gonna try to find and electric blue ram for my other female as soon as the store opens lol
is there any websites or stores that sell aquarium driftwood? None my of LFS have it.. currently have some fake driftwood that I would love to replace


If you go to the home page of the forum, there is a posting for driftwood. He has some pretty pieces.

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