What can i breed in a 50?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2005
Ft. Lauderdale
Hi all,
I bought a 10 gall kit from Walmart yest (I know kits suck but I had 30 dollars in exchange to use and saw this kit.) Started cycling it last night and I plan to grow Guppies, breed pretty finned guppies and use the ones I am not going to selectively breed to my other fish.

Here's where the questions begin;
I would like to purchase a 50 gallon tank and set up african ciclids, I'd set up pretty tetras and bettas if they were more lively but we all knwo they aren't. Will any ciclids breed. while in a tank with other fish ?

I would prefer to have, say, 15 african ciclids, feed them every other day with the guppies I'm breeding and have perhaps a pair of ciclids breed as well in the 50.

Or Perhaps I can buy two convicts or 2 kribs (I read they're the easiest ciclids to breed) and place them in the tank with larger non ciclid fish. I have no idea what the **** I'm talking about here lol. I'd basically like to watch teh parents defend the young and I'd like fish that eat guppies and I want more than just 2 fish in a 50 gallon tank. Suggestion or advice would really really be great.

Thanks in advance,
Kribs or convicts would be good for a 50 gallon, together with school of rasboras or tetras.

If you want to breed them, you'll have to provide them with a spot they can easily defend and that offers shelter and a surface to spawn on.

You can feed newborn guppy fry to them, but if you wait too long, they'll get too big and won't be eaten.
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