What did I do right ???????????

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 26, 2006
Clearwater, FL
At the risk of jinxing it, I think my battle with BGA in the 10G tank is coming to an end - but I have NO idea why !!!
Over the past three weeks I've spent less time manually removing the BGA (we were hoping to be able to save my dog from a brain tumor - I was heartbroken - she passed away). There were many days when I forgot to dose Excel (for the wisteria and swords), forgot to feed the DPs that live in the tank, forgot to does nitrates, and only did 2 water changes over the period instead of the normal 3.
I still have a wee bit of BGA on the glass but the bigger yucky sheets that were covering some of the sword leaves and the substrate seem to have "disappeared".
Its been a week now and its still in check ....
So ... how'd I do it ??????????????????????
First off, sorry to hear about your dog. Dogs are my first love as far as pets, they have such personalities. I have been there before and it is not pleasant. You have my sympathys.

I wonder if you starved the algae by not dosing or feeding the fish?
My only guess is that the tank was mostly in balance already and that with the manual removal of the BGA the plants were finally able to get the upperhand.
Sparky- thank you for the sympathy. I was EMPTY without my dog - since I never had children she was my child. The loss was unbearable and I still talk to her several times a day, but I know my father has her now and they're both waiting for me (someday). I couldn't take it and went back to a rescue org to find a new friend. My husband thought it was too soon, but we found a lovely little poodle mix who's been home with us for 4 days now.
LWB had posted awhile back that BGA thrives in high dissolved solids - so it could be that the lack of food reduced those overall levels.
Plus, Purrbox, you may be right - the constant removal before all the neglect may have finally removed enough of the BGA, plus the reduced dissolved solids, plus perhaps the missed water change may have gotten the nitrates high enough to finally "do it" !
If algaes can show up for no apparent reason, then it makes sense that they could also go away for no aparent reason.
Glad to hear that your persistence finally paid off!

Sorry to hear about your friend, but I bet your father loves having someone to walk with.
Its so NICE to look at that tank and have to really SEARCH to find the BGA (just a little left - I'll be doing a blackout anyway Feb 4 - Feb 7 : going on a biz trip and hubby wont have the hassle of feeding bloodworms).
I really miss my baby - and I'm sure Daddy and her are happy together. He was ALWAYS bringing home strays. The new puppy is a trip - I forgot how much ENERGY young dogs have - she sure is keeping me busy and she's been a hugh part of my grief therapy.
I forgot how much ENERGY young dogs have

We lost our last Sheepdog two years ago. I thought it would be a good idea to wait a bit before getting a new one (we will always have a sheepdog in our house it seems). After about three days, we were searching for a new one. It was the only thing that could have helped. It's amazing how they become part of you life, we don't have kids either so I absolutely do understand where you are coming from there. One week with a new puppy to remind you how old you are :)

Glad to hear your algae problem is getting under control. I will not brag about having never had an algae problem yet. Nor will mention that the one time a little ugly hairy algae showed up, it only lasted two days and died off. I don't want to jinx myself.

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