What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

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Well I was saddened to hear one of my lfs is closing it's doors, the one I just got the cool Spiderwood from. Too bad. Owners health is not that good so I guess he's retiring.

Ordered a 10 pack of Dark Blue Velvet Shrimp from a local breeder friend. Should get them in a few days.
Did water changes on 12 of my tanks and found some fry swimming around in one of my guppy birthing tanks. The strain is albino blue topaz but some of the fry aren't albino and have greyish bodies so I'm wondering if they aren't true ABT's or they were recently made rather than being from a solid line. I paid good money for them so I hope they were just recently made rather than not being true.

I also decided to rescape one of my 29's to make more cave type structures for my salousi fry.

Tomorrow I'll be pulling convict juveniles out of one tank and taking most of the larger guys to the LFS and the smaller ones will go into a new tank because I think they are what is killing off some of my show guppies. Tsk tsk!
I did a water change on my 56 gallon and cleaned the glass top on it, topped off my puffer tank, changed the water in my small betta containers, and set up a 20 long so I can move my marbled crays tomorrow morning.
Lets seeee. I fed my make believe fish in my 36bow and fed my betta and thought about getting a protein skimmer for the betta and soon to be foresr until I read and realized I can make one for free! What a deal!
PWC on all tanks today mixed tap and RO

Drip acclimated a pair of Otocinclus hoppei and introduced into our 6G cyl tank after quarantine

Added subwassertang to our betta bowl
So!! What did you do to your tank today?

So there is another forum of a different topic that I visit frequently, that has a"what did you do to your _______ lately? " thread. I love it cause its fun to get ideas and eye candy out of. Just figured I'd give it a try here.
So today I scraped down my sump refugium walls so I could see in from the sides. I cleaned the DT tank glass pretty good and spit shined my skimmer. Oh and a water change. :d
For the past few days we have noticed one of our neon tetras not schooling with the others. This morning during feeding we observed this one fish come up for food and noticed it's girth, it's quite plump and swimming with an irregular, jerky quality.

I was easily able to net it, which should be a sign itself, and isolated it from the other fish. Upon first putting it in quarantine, it "played dead" and rolled over on it's side motionless. After a few minutes and a gentle tap with a chopstick, it started spastically darting about and then settled on a plant, again listing sideways. It does not look good...

Here's a quick video
Notice how it is jerking movements and orientation, it's unlike any of our others.

I think we'll see what a day in the QB (quarantine bucket) brings
Bought a couple peppermint shrimp for a rock I bought that had aptasia. Hopefully they work. Had some awesome hairy mushrooms and only cost the price if the rock ($12).

Bought a couple peppermint shrimp for a rock I bought that had aptasia. Hopefully they work. Had some awesome hairy mushrooms and only cost the price if the rock ($12).

Yea I had a few aptasia in my tank and sump last week and I traded some cheato into my lfs and they gave me five peppermint shrimp for the cheato. my aptasia disappeared in 2 days.
I have fry! Woke up this morning ( more like afternoon as I didn't get home till after 2) and there was fry in my pregnant platys tank! Counting 10 so far but I know that can change especially since I have tons of plants in the tank. That's the exciting news for the day!
Cleaning my 30 gallon in a bit.
For the past few days we have noticed one of our neon tetras not schooling with the others. This morning during feeding we observed this one fish come up for food and noticed it's girth, it's quite plump and swimming with an irregular, jerky quality.

I was easily able to net it, which should be a sign itself, and isolated it from the other fish. Upon first putting it in quarantine, it "played dead" and rolled over on it's side motionless. After a few minutes and a gentle tap with a chopstick, it started spastically darting about and then settled on a plant, again listing sideways. It does not look good...

Here's a quick video
Notice how it is jerking movements and orientation, it's unlike any of our others.

I think we'll see what a day in the QB (quarantine bucket) brings

I hope your neon is ok.
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