what difference between bioballs & biomax/ceramic rings?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005

biomax/ceramic rings

which is better?
do they need to be replaced every month??
I dont know which is better but you dont want to ever replace them. Let them be they are a great home for your bacteria colonies.
The bio-max is designed to trap particulate matter within the openings and provide an additional surface for bacterial colonies.

I've never seen those bio-balls...what type are they?
Both are pretty good....the bonus with bio-balls is that you can more easily rinse accumulated gunk out of them (and they tend to work better in a true wet-dry system).
Toirtis said:
the bonus with bio-balls is that you can more easily rinse accumulated gunk out of them (and they tend to work better in a true wet-dry system).

i have a wet-dry filter and bioballs are amazing !!
they NEVER get blocked (they CAN'T !!! )

i believe that the ceramic rings can get clogged
I was wondering the same thing. Can the bioballs be used in a canister filter? I was going to replace the ceramic rings that I have with bioballs but didn't know if there were any advantages of them over the ceramic rings. Any thoughts?

(Sorry, I don't mean to hijcak the thread, it just seems that we are on the same wave length"
Ideally, they could be used in a canister, if there were enough oxygenation in it, but that much air usually causes a locked-up canister.
greenmaji said:
maybe a CO2 reactor in the intake that has air pumped in it would give you enough disolved O2?

Possibly, but I would think that would also have a high risk of enough gas to potentially cause the filter to stall....an interesing idea, though, someone should give it a try.... :wink:
I would rig it up were I could bleed off the extra air with a gang valve.. when the air is too much for the DIY or commercial reactor to handle just let some air out of an extra valve outlet..

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