What do you do with so much water?

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What do you do with your water from water changes?

  • Recycle it (Somehow)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Water my plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
I've given it a lot of thought and havent figured it out yet. Since i have 4 tanks (10, 6, 2 n 2 gal) i perform from 4 to 6 water changes per week. Thats a lot of water, even though i dont empty them, around 25-40% depending on the available dechlorinated water i've reserved a day or two before.

So lets say i get like 3 buckets of water per week. Considering its raining season here @ mexico city, i cant water my plants, and even if i do, i only use like half the water i get from water changes. :oops:

So in conlcusion, i wanted to ask you what do you do with al your water? I kno some of you have 55 gal tanks and so, so you should have something on mind right:?:
Well, lets see with what kind of ecologists we're dealing with here...
Thanx in advance!
Fish waste is great for plants, So I take my 5gal bucket [ usually 2 or 3 of them ] and water the plants in need of fertilization.
Ok perfect, but suppose that youve already finished watering all your plants. You still have left one, one and a half buckets left...
Waddaya do?
I dump most of it out in the back yard pretty soon it will be time for mushrooms to start growing! lol
I water my plants and dump the rest. Someday when I have a house and a garden (and a bigger tank :D ) I'll use it to water my garden, but for now I don't have a use for all the water.
I do it more for the nutrients of the waste as opposed to water, But nah... my plants seem to thrive.
Cool, Thanx. Ill go water all the plants in my building LOL
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