What do you have in your FUGE?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2003
Northern Va
Wondering what everyone has in their fuge. Could you list what types of algae, pods, how much LR and/or LS you have in your fuge?

Almost forgot, how much light and for how long?

I'm trying to get a better idea of what has worked best. Also, listing anything to avoid would be helpful.

20 gal fuge 20 lbs play sand and maybe 10lbs LR rubble. Blade caluerpa with 2x20 watt NO bulb strip lights. Run lights 12 hours with tank. I have pods and some type of star that can on the LR and a bunch of durters that came on LR.

15 gal tall fuge 1x20 watt NO strip light till I get my 65watt PC light fixed. Run light 24/7 with mexicana caluerpa 15-20 lbs play sand and 10 lbs lr rubble. Pods is it in here.

Stay away from grape clauerpa because that goes sexual and will mess the tank up for a short time.
I have a small fuge with some sand, live rock and "brillo pad" algae. I am a newbie and don't want to take any chances at this point of putting in other types of macro algae that could go sexual and release spores. Just hoping to add a bit of oxygen and remove some nitrate from my FOLR tank.

I have a chaeto, caulerpa prolifera,feather caulerpa, liverock, shrimp, miracle mud, crabs and the expected micro life....I have never had any of my caulerpa go sexual as I leave my lights on 24/7 and this will prevent that. Also, pruning the caulerpa if your lights are not always on, will prevent it from going sexual as well.
Hara said:
I have a chaeto, caulerpa prolifera,feather caulerpa, liverock, shrimp, miracle mud, crabs and the expected micro life....I have never had any of my caulerpa go sexual as I leave my lights on 24/7 and this will prevent that. Also, pruning the caulerpa if your lights are not always on, will prevent it from going sexual as well.

So should I avoid caulerpa if I don't plan on leaving my fuge lights on 24/7 and dont want to have to routinely prune?
i would. there is plenty of other good macro that you can use instead.

as a side note, i actually grow aiptasia in mine. many people seem to think they are bad you never want them, but as long as they arent touching any coral, they are actually very good at cleaning your water.
I have the blade caluerpa in my fuge and only run my lights 12 hours and it has never gone sexual. Not all caluerpa will go sexual. I rip some out maybe 2-3 time a year really not a big deal to take some out. And what you gain from having caluerpa is well worth the 5 min of pruning.
dont want to have to routinely prune?

pruning is not that hard, it consists of just yanking some out...no big deal and it doesnt have to be done that often. The caulerpa is also a nice treat for the herbivorous fish you may have in your main tank.

Either way, regular maintenance should be done on a refugium anyway, just
like anything else.
When pruning, does it matter which end of the plant you "rip" off? Or could I just grab a portion and tear off any end?

About how often do you guys prune?
I take off the last several inches of each "vine"....I am sure I miss a few here and there but overall, most of the plants get pruned. I do this about once a month.

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