What do you think of my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 17, 2014
I have a 45 gallon tank that's tall, and long, not so much deep front to back. Moderately planted, with a lot of caves. I have:
12 tiger barbs
5 serpae tetras
a red fin shark
a pictus catfish(he and the redfin are rivals)
2 cory catfish(used to be 6, but the 4 smaller ones disappeared)
2 balloon mollies
a rubber lipped pleco
an african leaf fish

I am assuming the smaller cories were eaten by the pictus, which himself was pushed on me as a rescue. Other than that, there is no violence except when I added tiger barbs last(I added them in waves of 3s and 4s) the older tiger barbs got "dethroned" by newer tigers sometimes, only 1 of those died, and 2 of those are still ragged-finned, but seem well off.
Seems good to me, but I don't know some of those fish. I know cory cat like to be in groups of 5 or more I believe and neons prefer even larger groups 8+ I think. I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong. If they all seem happy though I'm sure your fine. What kind of filtration do you have? Any pics of the tank?

Im sure those cory cats love the caves.
I started quite 6 cory cats. The pictus was eating my parents neons, so I took it, and some of my cories disappeared since... I have no neons. I'm trying to get more cories, but need to find some bigger ones hoping they won't disappear.
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I started quite 6 cory cats. The pictus was eating my parents neons, so I took it, and some of my cories disappeared since... I have no neons. I'm trying to get more cories, but need to find some bigger ones hoping they won't disappear.

Sorry, I meant to say the serpea tetras I must have typed neons because that's what I have lol
Tank wflash e.jpg

Here is the best picture I have managed of my tank. I find it hard to get good pictures of it.
I'll just say I've really wanted to buy that two piece battleship from petsmart, but not about to pay $50-60 for the two! (yet I'll spend $300+ on lighting, $300 on CO2...siiiigh lol)

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well your if you are wondering why your smaller cories disappeared it is probably because your pictus or the african leaf fish probably ate it (depending on what is there size compared to the cories). i don't think the pictus is suitable in that tank since they tend get really hyper sometimes and depending on which species you have, they can get 12 or 6 inches. as for the african leaf fish it also gets 6 inches and may get territorial or at least predatory.
The pictus is about 5 inches long, and stays in the battleship to the left, he comes out at night. The leaf fish is about 2 inches long, and is currently crippled in a different tank, probably dying. SOmethng attacked him, a month ago, and I thought he recovered, his skin grew back, but he is doing poorly all of the sudden today. He was fine untill this morning. All that changed was I fed them last night, and did a roughly 10% water change.
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