What first sparked your interest?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Oct 20, 2012
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
So I'm just curious what got everybody into this addiction. Mine started the first time I went to the shed aquarium in Chicago. Seeing all the different colors and personalities, I was mesmerized. That was when I was about 11 and a year later started with my first aquarium. It was a 55 gal that housed 3 red belly piranha that eventually moved into a 125. I raised them from the size of a quarter and when the last guy passed he was pushing 12 inches. Now I keep African cichlids in that tank and have a 72 gal planted community. My addiction is spiraling out of control now, as I've got a 65 waiting to be set up as brackish and I've got my eye on a 110 tall I'd like to have discus in. So that's how my addiction started, I'd love to read everybody else's story.
My dad had a 75 gallon amazon biotope tank when I was really little and I always loved watching the fish and helping him clean it. Then I got a betta, and when it died I was rally sad and my aunt who was visiting at the time felt bad for me and took me to get "a new fish." We came home with a 10 gallon tank... My mother wasn't happy, but she couldn't tell her favorite sister-in-law no. And the obsession just spread from there.
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