What fish should I add to my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 25, 2014
I recently upgraded my old crusty, blackbeard algae riddled, nitrate filled,
generally gross 55 gallon for a brand new 60 gallon. As my old fish died, I didn't replace them as my balance was out of whack I was planning on eventually getting a new tank. So what I've got left:
1 large angel
1 4.5" Senegal bichir
1 bronze Cory
1 5" bristlenose pleco
(The stupid 6" comet goldfish my kids won at the fair when it was less than an inch has been relegated to his own tank.)

So what should I get? I want a ropefish and one of the smaller spiny eels (peacock probably) and...?? I don't really want to pay $50 for angels the same size as the one I have, can I put smaller ones in with it? I love catfish what kind IMG_8926.jpgwon't bother anything?

I've got an emperor 400 hob and the marineland magnum polishing internal filter. Sand substrate that I vacuum weekly.
Congo tetras ,silver dollars or roseline sharks would look good in a small school[4-5] .
Angels can be tough .I would not add small with large but , maybe your guy is a sweetie ?

I may just wait until my last angel goes to the big tank in the sky and get more small ones rather than try to introduce small ones.

I'll update when I get some new stock!
What coral bandit said. Introducing more angels is sketchy. I would just buy another tank. Trust me, it is always the answer. ;) Or, you could trade in your existing angel and start over again with smaller ones. Or, ditch the angels altogether and go with an oddball tank. If your angel is has a pretty chill temperament he could be ok in an oddball tank.
The oddball fish like ropefish and spiny eels all have their quirks, so make sure to do a lot of research and let us know if we can answer more questions for you. :)
I used to have a 45 g tall tank that started out as a tropical community, but turned into basically an incubator for my 150 g oddball. I had ropefish, fire eel, silver arowana, red-tailed cat, needle gar, elephant nose, some rubber eels, as well as angels that kept laying eggs (but someone kept eating them.) I had a great clown knife in my 55, but he died trying to eat one of my Corydoras (the Cory survived.) about the only thing I've never had luck with was ghost knives. Tried several times and I don't think any of them lasted more than a week.

Unfortunately I don't have anything bigger than the 60 anymore so almost all of those fun weird fish are out since they will way outgrow it.
Also, trading in my angel is a GREAT idea. My bichir is very active but not aggressive.

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