what kind of algae is this?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 1, 2012
I dunno if its some kind of bubble algea or red slime algae that got air trapped in it or what. Its not too appealing. Anybody know what this is??

Cyanobacteria or red slime algae. Nasty stuff. Often a result of excess dissolved nutriants.
Cyano. Suck it out. The bubbles were produced by the cyano as it is feeding.

People say it is from excess nutrients. I don't really follow that because I had it and was starving my tank (feeding very little). Eventually it got bad enough where I used ChemiClean and it hasn't come back.
Definitely cyanobacteria, if your using ro/di filters may need to be changed on your unit my lfs recommended that first because it can come from the water source. Good luck with your battle
+1 canyo ... Canyo is not algae its called that but it's a bacteria. It will feed of nitrates in the water , a 30-50 % WC and reduced feeding can help ... That's how I got rid of mine ..... I actually did 2 30 % WC then what was left ended starving itself out .
OK thanks. I scrubbed if off with a brush while I vacuumed it. Then did a 30% water change. It would grow on my favorite rock piece!
paul87 said:
OK thanks. I scrubbed if off with a brush while I vacuumed it. Then did a 30% water change. It would grow on my favorite rock piece!

Think thats bad , try getting it off a arrow crab .... >_<
Wow newfie I just saw a post about turkey basters in another thread! You really do love those things. Lol. :)
Crystal A said:
Wow newfie I just saw a post about turkey basters in another thread! You really do love those things. Lol. :)

Darn tootin ! Can't go wrong 101 uses and I haven't ever cooked a turkey 0-0
Well it started to come back in the same place. I scrubbed it off and vacuumed it again. Probably did a 20% water change. Ill br watching it day to day.
Keeps coming back and popped up in a few other places. Been doing water changes with RO/DI water and instant ocean and the scrub and vacation on it. Picked this up today at the LFS as it was recommended by the head marine Guy there to be a great product. Just put the dose in with the air wand as directed. 20 bucks it better work. Fingers crossed! Here it is. Anybody's ever use this??

I've used that before, and it will remove any Cyano present, but you will still need to figure out why you are getting it and resolve the problem. Also, keep an eye on any fish, for labored breathing. It reduces the O2 levels in the tank and you may need to add an airstone for the time being. You will also need to turn off your skimmer for a few days, it bubbles over non-stop, even dialed all the way down.
It does remove the Cyano though, just follow the directions.
I just used that to help me get rid of the cyano from tank , drove the skimmer crazy but it hasn't came back.
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