What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

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I got my first tank when I was around 5 or 6 yrs old, it was a 2 gallon tank, didnt have it for that long cause I got a 15 gallon tank. I didnt have that tank for that long either cause I kept on adding fish. Being a kid you dont think bout how much fish you can put in a tank. I then got a 25 gallon tank, had it for a few years and then I upgraded to a 55 gallon when I was around 11 yrs old. I had it till I was a senior in high school and I sold everything.
I started to watch the show Tanked and it got me in a mood to look for another tank, its been at least 11 yrs since I've had a tank but this time I wanted something a bit different. I got a 32 gallon brackish set up. Started kinda ruff, but after 3 months, got everything under control and i have a routine now to maintaine the tank. Now some of my relatives want to get a tank cause of me and I got one of my little nephews started with his first tank.
I had a friend who wanted to get fish so I told him I had an old 20 gallon tank I used for lizards. I brought the tank up to college and that friend bailed on the tank so I decided to put fish in it rather than started at an empty tank. I had no idea what I was doing and bought a bunch of random semi-aggressive fish. Its been 3 years and 10 of my original 12 are still with me in my 55 gallon. I'm addicted!!! I eventually want two 150 gallon tanks!
It all started when I was buying dog food with my mom... And we went to check out the fish and I was very fascinated. She wouldnt let me get any. So when i was home I told my dad all about it and he told me about how he used to keep fish. He went and bought me a 10 gallon which I stocked with a tiny fish that ended up getting ich and dying. I got so discouraged because of that I just stopped. About a year later me and my friend are catching crayfish and catfish with are hand in the creek on his property. I caught a crayfish with half its limbs missing including a claw. I felt sorry for him so I took him home and set up the tank and threw him right in along with a steelhead. They survived for a while until I brought some feeder fish home that had disease. All of them died even though I treated it like crazy. So I did a full water change and bought baby convict cichlid and pleco. The pleco eventually became food for my crayfish but I still have the convict this day along with 2 crayfish (1 red and 1 blue) and a few ram cichlids.
My story

My older sister wanted a small feeder goldfish, so my mom and dad purchased a 5 gallon tank. The fish died a few months later. My sister, then gave the tank to me. Since I knew absolutely nothing about fish, I didn't have much more success. I then did much more research, until I was having my fish live more than a year. (Don't laugh; this was an accomplishment!) Then my life got more busy and so after my last fish died I just left the tank running without any fish for a long time.

Then, a little more than a week ago, someone asked me for advice on how to take care of their fish. I really couldn't give them any advice, except that their fish had better have some crash gear on because their tank was extremely overcrowded. Even though I wasn't much help, that conversation sparked my rekindled my interest with fish. I thought my 5 gallon was already cycled, so that day, after doing a water change and cleaning out alot of the gunk, I bought 5 neon tetras. Because the tank in fact was NOT cycled, 3 died. I am currently nursing the remaining 2 in that 5 gallon tank.

Then a few days later I heard that a friend of mine was selling a 30 gallon tank and a stand for $30. I pounced on the offer. It was very dirty and I am still in the process of cleaning it out. I ordered a filter and am starting cycling it when it comes (or when I get the tank clean, whichever comes last.)
my story

when i was around 5, i got a betta in a half gallon bowl for christmas from my grandma. It died after about a year, and i just moved on.

Then for my 8th birthday, i unwrapped a filter, which confused me until I saw the 30 gallon tank waiting in my room. That tank was a free for all. We saw cool fish, put them in. I even had two koi and one point, without knowing they were koi. i got tired of the upkeep and noise so we sold it and returned the koi and flushed the rest. one even managed to swim back up, freaking out my brother :lol:.

When I was 11, i got a pair of ADF in a little cube for christmas. i did a little research, but didn't get much. I lost their food for 6 months and 1 died, but the other survived, muraculously. (however you spell that)

When i was 12, i got a betta for christmas again. i did more research, on the frog and the betta, and ended up buying a 5 gal for the two of them to share, but the betta pestered the frog so i put him in a half gal again. he is there now and the betta is in the half gallon.

a few months after that i saved up to buy a 10 gal and some tiger barbs, but ended up with a 20 gal community tank (not complaining about that one though!)

now i'm about to buy a 37 gal tank, not sure about the specifics except for the tropical.:fish2:
Simple story

I have always enjoyed a fish tank be it gold fish or tropical or marine.

But when I was younger my parents had a small tank with some tetras and corys. This was the start.

Then through out my early life sharks was my passion.

But knowing i would never be able to keep sharks

a tropical tank will do.

I was never really a fish person but was given a very small aquarium last year so my cats would be able to enjoy some "aquatic entertainment". I did my research, set it up and fell in love with the peaceful joy of watching the fish...as did the cats! I also find the science behind establishing and maintaining a successful, crystal clear aquarium both fascinating and rewarding. (The cats were decidedly less interested in the science:))
I have enjoyed it so much and have gotten such wonderful advice from this forum that I recently decided to add a 55 g setup to be able to enjoy a greater variety of freshwater friends. I am almost through the cycling process and anxiously awaiting the day I can add the new additions to our household! I am planning on a tank of basic hardy fish like danios, tetras, barbs etc. as I still consider myself a fish care newbie and after time and experience I hope to keep Discus fish and the last step in my fish care confidence ladder...a saltwater reef!
I had a couple of goldfish when I was a kid. They never lived too long and is what probably caused me to not be very excited about having them.

Almost two years ago, my girlfriend's grandmother passed away and she "inherited" her betta. She brought it home in its tiny and dirty flower vase. I immediately cleaned the vase out, but felt it was no place for a fish to be living. Not very long after, I picked up a 5 gallon fish tank from Wal-Mart. The betta loved his new home. His colors came back and he was loving life. Almost a year later, the fish passed away (he was already 3 years old... I'm not sure how it lived that long in that nasty vase!)

My girlfriend's birthday was right around the corner, and when one of her co-workers heard her fish has passed, she bought her a new betta. He's been living in the 5 gallon tank since. We moved apartments about a month ago and found ourselves with more room and on the first floor! This allowed me to explore my aquarium options. I enjoyed having the betta and his small home, but I was ready for something bigger that would really allow me to enjoy the hobby.

After a lot of convincing, she finally let me get a 29 gallon tank and stand. I wanted to do everything right, so I tried to take my time and learn as much as I could (that's how I found this forum). We have 5 platys right now that are doing quite well. I also ordered some live plants and just finished planting the tank about an hour ago. Everything looks great and I can see I'm really getting addicted to the hobby!

Maybe soon she'll let me get a 55 gallon!

Most girls have a thing for ponies , I had a thing for seahorses , I loved watching nature shows featuring seahorses on PBS. One day I was going to have a tank full of them I told myself.

Then I recently learned about cherry shrimp. I told myself one day I would get some of these as well as seahorses. The tanks looked so cool online but I couldn't find any at the local pet stores. When I did find some they were so expensive that I just shied away from buying them.

In the mean time I began to prepare for my seahorse tank. I brought a ton of books. I brought one tank, then another, some filters etc... One day the hubby says stop collecting tanks and use them. If not get rid of them. I know he's right , they were just setting there empty and with so many homeless fishys out there I should be ashamed. Then I found a guy who would sell me cherry shrimp for 2 bucks each. Next thing I know I am setting up a fresh water tank. Now I have a bunch of shrimp, guppies, snails, plants , catfish, pleco and others in a fresh water tank.

My hubby liked my tank so much he went and got his own tank a few weeks ago. We plan on setting up my saltwater tank together starting tomorrow. A nice man gave me a brand new 75 gallon tank for $50, I also got two 50 gallon tanks with filters and brand new lights for the same prince. So after we set up the first tank for the seahorses we will set up a backup tank as well.

So in the future I hope to post pictures of my seahorse and get some great advice from the members of this site.
My grandma said I can get a fish if I'm responsible . But I am limited 2 a five gallon tank but I want colorful vibrant fish what do I do
Ha! I have also always enjoyed seahorses and wouldn't mind having some some day but right now no time to invest in the set up and upkeep.

We have had tanks all my life. We started with a 38 gallon tank (well, I don't know about started but that's the first one I remember) and it was taller than long and we had 2 irridescent sharks in it with several other types of fish (angels, silver dollars, rainbow sharks, bala sharks, etc etc.) but not many survived very long. However our IDs got pretty decent sized and since they still seemed healthy we decided to upgrade to a 75 gallon tank when my mom found one listed in the paper. My dad was always in charge of the upkeep of the tanks and used to be really good at it.

Over time my parents forgot how old the sharks were but guesstimated we got them when I was about a year old so that's been our gauge on lifespan for the sharks. One died at about 24 years old and it proved to be better for the other shark as the one that died was really jumpy and the one that we still have is much more peaceful. He is now around 27-28 years old and still waiting his next tank upgrade (which will likely be when I move out at get a bigger tank and kidnap him from my parents!).

When I was in college I acquired 4 male bettas which I had in separate bowls on my desk in my dorm rooms and my house I was in my jr year. After they died I didn't replace them until here recently... about 7 years later. I currently have 3 of them, 2 males and a female in a .5 gallon- 1.5 gallon containers the .5 gallon one will soon be getting an upgrade.

Then the interest in the main tank waned. Upkeep was hit and miss. For a while we had the sharks and some angels or silver dollars in the 75 gallon tank and had various smaller fishes in the 38 gallon tank. When the 38 sprung a leak after about 20 years of use, my parents rushed out for a 29 gallon to save what we could of the fish (I actually think most survived because we caught it quickly). We had guppies which were the gift that kept on giving and eventually got tired of guppies and took the tank apart and took most of the fish (except what we wanted to keep) back to the pet store.

I got leopard geckos back in 2007 and ended up with 6 for a while so we had and otherwise acquired various other tanks. I currently have 3 females in a 40 gallon long tank and a male in a 20 gallon long but moved them both to my boyfriend's house as I was there more than at my house and he can take care of them when I'm not around as he used to raise bearded dragons. After the lizards die I will probably turn them into fish tanks as well--but it could be a while because geckos can live up to 27 years in captivity.

While the fish interest waned due to my dad not ever taking care of the tank anymore my mom said I would get the 75 gallon tank whenever the shark dies. I got back from Basic training in January and realized how sad of shape the tank was in and felt bad for the shark (he should have been dead at how neglected he had been while I was gone), and since my dad wouldn't do anything about it I talked him into getting the stuff hooked up for me to clean the tank. My dad's getting back into the tank since I've started sprucing it up again and he even finally went out and bought a new filter. The 75 gallon tank now has 2 filters though the original's efficiency seems to be lagging--we are going to either get another new one or fix it as soon as our newest filter gets cycled to the tank.

I've taken over tank duties, cleaned most of the algae off the walls of the tank, and started adding in new fish and new plants and after regularly daily feedings the shark is like he was 10 years ago with renewed health and vitality and seems to enjoy having some other fish in his tank with him. He will get a new home as soon as I get the bigger tank. I know he definitely needs it.

Now--while the inside tank interest had waned for a while I should note that I also helped my parents put in a koi pond in our front yard and that's where my dad's interest had shifted to and we why we had forgotten and neglected the indoor tank. Unfortunately a heron has, on multiple occasions, eaten most if not all of our goldfish and koi. I now have so many plants providing coverage that the heron leaves them alone but unfortunately, we can't see the fish unless the come to one particular spot of the pond. We need to clean it up now but are waiting until my dad's gut heals from a surgery he had earlier this year to keep him from picking up any kind of infection. But I promise it's coming! And am, myself, eager to see the koi again. :)
Well my Dad always liked fish when he wad little so when I was 12 he bought me and my brother each a 20 gallon. Knowing nothing about fish I got a green terror and my brother got an Oscar! I bought a 45 gallon and we put his Oscar and I bought 1 to put in with him... We got rid of them and for a while I had glow fish and neon tetras. My dad got each of my sisters a 10 gallon and he got a used 55. We got 4 piranha and a pleco in the 55. We had to get rid of all our fish to move. We gave the 55 gal to my big bro moved to Florida. We had fish in our 20 gals from the lake behind our house. (Guppies small bass) but my bro decided to get 2 cichlids in his 20 and that got me liking fish again. I now have small cichlids in my 20 gal he has neon tetras with danios. My 45 has an Eclipse Catfish, Rainbow Shark, and a Bristlenose Pleco. And I have a cycling 150 gallon tank. I love fish now :)
I started with a 30 gallon reef tank for about 3 years before deciding to try a freshwater tank. I was so used to the idea of everything in the tank being alive that I decided to make my first one planted. Kept two 30L and one 10g reefs along with 2 55 gallon planted tanks for about 5 years. Then I moved to a smaller place and downsized to one 30L reef and a 20 planted. I just broke down the small reef and transferred it to my brother who is starting a 75 reef so now I only have the 20 planted tank. I'm debating weather to add a 30L planted tank now.
Well, I got into fish keeping when I went on holiday with a friend in 2011 sand stayed with one of our friends over in France . They had a lovely aquarium with Cories , tetras and things like that. When I got home I was telling my family how beautiful the tank was. In the end we got a ten gallon aquarium. We moved house in march 2012 and we brought another tank , a 30. That's how I got into fish keeping lol
Neonfishgirl said:
My grandma said I can get a fish if I'm responsible . But I am limited 2 a five gallon tank but I want colorful vibrant fish what do I do

A betta
Or three male guppies
I was launched into fish keeping when my 5 yr old fell in love with her uncles fish tank.
The Easter Bunny brought her a 10 gal for easter with all the fixins. While looking at fish and fixins for her 10 gal I found a great deal on a 60 gal with stand, so the Easter Bunny brought me the 60 with all the fixins.
And then came a 29 gal for my hubby about a month later.
After that another 10 gal then a 2 1/2 gal then a 2 gal and followed by 2 more 20 gallons.
Just from Easter of this year we went from zero tanks to 8. We have several different types of fish ranging from beta ,neon tetras, mollies african cichlids and tanganican cichlids.
vanimal said:
Wow Nimo that's a lot of tanks! Wish I had that much I'm jealous :)

The pet stores here know me by name lol.
One of them is begging me to do a salt water tank because I have naturally high Ph and hard water he keeps telling me water wise I would only have to add the salt.
Cool salt looks beautiful but there's just something about fresh that I just love and won't switch!
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