what plants should I add?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 4, 2012
This is my new (new to me) fish tank. It's 55 gallons. Has 1 albino tiger Oscar 7", a regular tiger Oscar6.5", an unknowing catfish 8.5", albino pleco. I am wondering where and why type of plants to add...


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some type of carpeting plant to creep on your rock scape would look cool thats the look i am shooting for
I am going to change the sand and background to a diffrent color. If I did plants what should I put
imo i think the darker the substrate is the more the fish and plants stand out and catch your eye....black sand would also bring out your rocks and driftwood
Sorry to get of topic but if your rocks are stacked, your Oscar might knock it down if it's not heavy enough.
That are all heavy scepticism for the ones stacked is the corner on the left side but they are gel glued so they won't move
Some closer pictures


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Oscars can be very destructive towards plants.

Anubias may be a good choice. But whatever plants you go for make sure they are secured down very well and keep your fingers crossed that the Oscars like them :)
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