What rocks shall I use?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 25, 2015
Hey,I am stuck with what rocks to use in my soon to be Mbuna setup.Ive been told that it's best to buy garden rocks from a gardon centre,I also have been told to find some rocks in my local woods and some people say:
And Limestome

You can see why i am desperate for ansaws because I've been told so many things.
What rocks are the best to use in a Mbuna tank,thanks
I can only post in general terms as I don't keep these fish. Did come across the link below and it seemed to me a lot will rest on if you need to modify your tap water chemistry to suit aquarium requirements.

Limestone will tend to naturally buffer water and I have a bucket of limestone in the shed that I was given when I was thinking of setting up a tank for cichlids.

Slate and granite are both pretty solid and inert. The slate may be easier to create ledges while imo you can get nicer colours with the different granites.

Sandstones - it may depend here. I've had sandstones that are quite dense and others (some with really nice fossils) that tend to dissolve in a bucket of water.

Setting Up A Lake Malawi Cichlid Tank
Thanks a lot I'm going to go with slate

Sent from Kyle in uk
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