what shrimp for a 5 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 14, 2007
I have a 5 gallon that I want to turn into a planted tank and then eventually have a colony of shrimp. What shrimp are cool, relatively cheap, and relatively easy to maintain? I've never kept shrimp before, but I have crayfish, and have had a crab and a scorpion, so I have experience with invertebrates. I'd like to have a species only shrimp tank after I get the plants all set up and flourishing. I dont want to do a saltwater tank. Lemme know your ideas :)

p.s. I'm thinking something a little more colorful than ghost shrimp :bandit:
Red Cherry Shrimp are pretty available in the hobby and are easy to care for, just as easy as anything out there.
Red Cherry Shrimp are pretty available in the hobby and are easy to care for, just as easy as anything out there.
Ha! I wish. They are available ... as long as you buy them online, or not just a lot in Nebraska. No LFS seems to carry them :bawl:
I have amano shrimp they are great at eating algea on plants I too like the cherry red shrimp but my lfs has a hard time getting them for some reason and I live in a fairly warm climate. Good luck with your planted shrimp tank
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