What species of Ram?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2013
I picked these up from the LFS today, and they didn't have a label. From what I can tell they are Bolivian Rams but just wanted to be sure..



Mikrogeophagus altispinosa

OK got it, thanks. Also I read they do well in pairs... is that male/female pairs or will they hang out as bros too?

Any idea on the sex of these two, or ways I can distinguish?
OK got it, thanks. Also I read they do well in pairs... is that male/female pairs or will they hang out as bros too? Any idea on the sex of these two, or ways I can distinguish?
Male female pair, hard to tell can you get a side picture? Looks like two males but a better picture will tell for sure
Impossible to tell at that size imo. Both fish look very, very thin; it would be good if you can fatten them up.
The rams were kept in a bottom tank with a lot of anacharis so its quite possible they got skipped over on feeding sometimes. Or all the time. They seem to be eating good in the tank so I assume they'll fatten up.

I included a couple more pictures but the fish are only about 1.5" so I may just have to wait to know for sure. Also I know these pictures aren't great, I'll keep trying. I've noticed today the littler lighter colored one is chasing the darker one a bit. They are in a 29g with 3 neon tetras and two African dwarf frogs. There will be more fish but the tank is just getting going so we are adding them slowly.



Glad they are eating well! You should be able to fatten them up with quality foods and plenty of clean water.

Fish you have only had for a day aren't going to display the color they normally would- I would expect you will see it change quite a bit while they are settling in and determining the pecking order. They're still pretty young at 1.5".
Glad they are eating well! You should be able to fatten them up with quality foods and plenty of clean water.

Fish you have only had for a day aren't going to display the color they normally would- I would expect you will see it change quite a bit while they are settling in and determining the pecking order. They're still pretty young at 1.5".

Do you see any issues with the chasing? I currently have three pieces of flagstone forming a cave and five live plants. Plan to add more plants and maybe some more flagstone.
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