whats a bubble nest ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2006
once again thanks for all ur help and advice. Please remmember not to use to many techinical words coz i want to understand everything fully. Well first of all my fish has been sort of going up and blowing bubbles that pop every now and then and then just continuing swimming. Some one said that this was their way of ' making them feel at home '.. is this a bubble nest??? The bubbles don't stay, they aren't like super bubbles that all bunch together and make this huge big super giant bubble, but he regularly does it and yeah.. someone please explain!!!
Well I just googled for you and came up with this:

"Bettas are bubble nest builders and nest guarders. The males build bubble nests at the surface of the water: these can be very large structures incorporating pieces of vegetation. Mating takes place below the nesting site. The male will display and chase the female to a spot below the nest. He eventually wraps himself around her in an embrace and she releases her eggs which he will take up in his mouth and transfer to the nest in a bubble. Males raise the fry in the bubble-nest for a few days. The nest is guarded vigorously and the bubbles are renewed as necessary. Eggs that fall are caught and returned to the nest. Hatching is in about 24 hours and the tiny fry swim free at about four days. "

So it looks like your betta is trying to build a bubble nest, but I wonder if you have too much current or something in the tank so it gets dispersed (or from all the fish chasing)?


Here's a cool picture as well:


Oh yeah, and these pictures came from http://www.bubblenest.net and http://www.healthybetta.com which seem like pretty in depth forums for everything betta related...
i think theres a bubble nest in my tank. It's not like a huge lump.. but all around the sides tehre are heaps of tiny bubbles that don't seem to pop. Why is it building a nest when theres no females to do it with ?
Sure. Probably the same reason why my Shih Tzu attempts to mate with his teddy bear. :roll:

He is just doing what comes naturally.
you don't have to be so sarcastic about it. how the hell was i supposed to know what that meant ?
Geez, sorry if you didn't get the sarcasm. No need to get upset. By optimism I mean't he is probably building a nest for IF and WHEN he ever gets to see a female. Nothing like planning ahead....
7Enigma said:
Geez, sorry if you didn't get the sarcasm. No need to get upset. By optimism I mean't he is probably building a nest for IF and WHEN he ever gets to see a female. Nothing like planning ahead....

I personally liked what you first said and didn't think it sounded sarcastic. It summed what the fish was doing all on one line!

I dont know Enigma personally, but I'm sure he never meant it like you took it.

I have a Betta and he is constantly building HUGE bubble nests just like the picture. You need something at the surface, like a plant, for him to attach his nest to and it will be a nice big one.

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