Whats going on with my tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 7, 2012
Hi guys

So i set up a 10 gal last December to rehome 3 juvie guppies I had. I think I have a Bactria Bloom (water has been cloudy for weeks) and I keep doing water changes but it keeps coming back

I'm starting to get worried because lately my fish have been lethargic, and hide all the time. I think it's a BActeria Bloom....it's the only thing I can think of since my water params fall within normal range (pH 6.5, amm trite trate0) are my fish not getting enough oxygen because of the bloom? Or do you think it can be something else? What should I do? I'm so nervous for them!
and oops.. this was supposed to be under the "getting started" thread. If admins want to move this thread, please do so! Thanks
Your tank has been set up for over a month & you have 0 nitrAtes? Are you using a liquid test or strips? When you change the water do you vacuum the substrate well? Are the 3 guppies the only thing in the tank? When you say you keep doing water changes, how often & how much water? Have you changed any filter media out or cleaned it in tap water? What is the water temp? Whats the filtration, is it breaking the surface of the water properly?

Has the tank cycled yet? I had a tank that took about 3 months to cycle and was always cloudy no matter how much I cleaned it. Are there any web like hairs attached to the glass? If so then I'd say its probably a bacterial bloom
Your tank has been set up for over a month & you have 0 nitrAtes? Are you using a liquid test or strips? When you change the water do you vacuum the substrate well? Are the 3 guppies the only thing in the tank? When you say you keep doing water changes, how often & how much water? Have you changed any filter media out or cleaned it in tap water? What is the water temp? Whats the filtration, is it breaking the surface of the water properly?

I just got the API liquid and it read zero nitrates. Whenever I water change (which is around 30%) i vacuum the substrate as well. I've been doing frequent water changes (every other day) because I have no idea what put my guppies in a funk. I also swish my filter media (AquaClear HOB) with tank water...so this is completely stumping me :(

The only thing I can think of is the day I noticed their change in behavior was the day I moved around and rearranged a ton of plugs since my 10gal wires and 20gal wires were all tangled with each other.

Could this have caused stress? And are they still freaked out? My water is still cloudy, so could a possible bacteria bloom be causing my guppies stress?
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