whats up with bubbling magnum?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 1, 2003
washington state
I just got my new magnum and set it up. I followed the instructions perfectly including those ##@! little rubber bands. I attempted to get the water out of the canister as instructed.....turn system off...let water run into cannister...turn back on. But there are still quite a few bubbles. Perhaps this is normal? Its not like there is a cap of air there...just bubbles shooting down with the water as it enters. Is this normal?
Thanks in advance :)
Which Magnum did you get? Have you checked all the intake lines to be sure it's not getting any air at any of the junctions? My HOT Magnum will usually spit air for an hour or so before it clears itself out all the way. If the lid isn't properly seated, they will pull air and eventually lose prime.
Yeah it will bubble for a while and then will stop after it seats itself. Could take a few hours or so. If it continues to bubble after several hours than it is not air tight and the lid needs to be resealed.
I think what has happened is you have air trapped in the canister. I use a magnium 350 and I've had to turn it on and off several times to allow the syphon to push the air out. Also make sure there aren't any low spots in your hoses. All the hoses should be above the canister top.
Do like Cal suggests. Make sure the magnum is lower than the intake and output hoses. Sometimes it has to be much lower (i.e. 3 feet or so to work). What I would do is go ahead and pop the lid off and wash off the big rubber gasket that goes around the lid. Perhaps there is a piece of sand or grit in it that is causing it to leak air inside the can. Re-seat the lid and try it again.

Oh and there is an easier way to get the can to fill up with water without having to keep turning the unit on and off in order to get the air to escape. Fill the can up with water to the line in the can like the instructions say. Then place the output "jet", as well as the intake strainer, beneath the water's surface and turn the unit on (you might not be able to do this if you are using the small black pipe for the output. I connected a piece of tubing to my output so that I could direct the flow under the water instead of on top). Then turn the unit off while both the output and intake is below the water as well. As the air rushes out of the intake strainer, water will flow through the output tube to replace the air. Basically it is just siphoning the water through the can. This will fill the can up immediately and then you can turn the unit on again and it will be ready for action. No air inside!! Beats the heck out of turning in on and off 5 or 6 times.
I am trying very hard to smile as I write this...... My magnum is a 350. I did a lot of reasearch on this thing before purchasing it and today...I truly regret this purchase...
I opened the canister lid only to find carbon floating freely. Turning the canister lid over I found that it had sucked the lid off of the carbon container (is it supposed to do this? :evil: If not, why is there a lock on the lid on the bottom of the carbon container and not the top?) I also discovered that the carbon had destroyed the rubber gasket. :evil: In addition, I also discovered that those hoses easily pop off of the lid despite the instructions as to how to anchor them and they promptly siphoned massive aquarium water onto me and the floor! :roll:
Obviously I have to find some place to purchase a few more gaskets. I need to know from you please why the lid came off of the carbon container and if it is supposed to do this.
Please tell me that eventually this filter CAN be mastered and is worth all of this effort?
thank you for your forbearance!

Sorry to hear you are having all these problems with the 350. I've found them to be a bit tricky on initial setup, but once you have it mastered its a very good filter.
In addition, I also discovered that those hoses easily pop off of the lid despite the instructions as to how to anchor them and they promptly siphoned massive aquarium water onto me and the floor!

Hate to say this, but you must not have put them on correctly, mine would take a nuclear blast for them to come off.

I hope you kept your manual that came with it. If I were you, I'd call Marineland on the 800 number ASAP and get some help from them, hopefully they will send you some new gaskets, and help you figure out where you went wrong.
I kept everything :)
I think you are right....initial set up is tricky and probably I need to go through it again in some time when I am relaxed and don't have a million other things to do also :)
I won't give up and will conquer this even if I have to take the thing to my aquarium store for more instructions.
Thank you so much for your advice and encouragement :D
I just got the same setup could you let me know what the ended up doing and what the problem was?
hehehe, sorry... I almost did it last night when I was moving stuff around. it just didn't look right..
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