When To Add Shellfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2006
I have a thirty gallon tank (among others, but I thought this would be the best chance for this) and was wondering what conditions do I need to have to put shellfish in it? They sell freshwater crabs and crayfish at the Local Pet Store with all kinds of disclaimers that they might kill your fish. The tank contains 4 Mbunas, a Jewel Cichlid and a Pleco (some of them are quite small, but extremely fast). I don't want to take any fish casualties so if it is not recommended I won't bother. But if it is I might give it a try (sometimes places like that will over exaggerate disclaimers for liability, not to mention that the notices themselves don't get specific so I have no idea).

Thanks for any advice,
Even fast fish sleep! That's when crayfish usually attack. However, it's more likely that a crayfish would become a meal for your jewel cichlid.

Also, most crayfish sold are N American or European species (depending on what side of the Atlantic you live). These crays don't live as long in heated tropical fish tanks. They prefer unheated tanks with lots of water movement and aeration. They're easy to keep and fun to watch, but they definitely belong in a species-only tank. HTH

If you have a spare 5 or 10 gal, you could keep a cray in it. Make sure there are no gaps in the lid - crays are expert climbers and escape artists.
Crayfish are tons of fun, but best in their own tank due to the different water needs from tropical fish. As QTOFFER said, make sure there are no gaps in the lid. My blue crayfish went for his final walk this past winter and ended up under the fridge. He had taken many walks before, but we always found him and resecured the tank, but he was a little Hundi :(
OK, thanks (both of you)

Is that stuff the same with the fresh water crabs they sell at the pet store, or is that any different?
I've never kept crabs, but I would bet the temperature requirements are similar. Always best to do some research :D
Well, the two freshwater crabs I found for purchase are Red Claw Crabs and Gold Fiddler Crabs. I'm having a lot of trouble finding info on them, if anyone has knowledge or experience in keeping crabs, I'd appreicate it.
I never kept FW crabs either - just crayfish. You definitely have to research the particular crab you're interested in because some of them will drown if you don't provide a spot for them to climb out of the water.
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