When to upgrade?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 26, 2014
Currently my JD Is about 3" long and lives in a 20g tank with some lemon tetras. I was just curious at what size I should move him to his bigger home so he doesn't get stunted? (I'm in the process of cyclin his new home, it's about a week in)
Probably ASAP. You don't want him to start bullying the tetras. You'll be fine waiting for his new home to cycle.
I know they are not the best tank mates
For him, he has tried to catch hem a couple Of times but they are too quick for him. And I think he knows that now so he doesn't bother, his main thing is eating...loves it, even obliterated my snail population.

Do you think being 3" right now In his 20g is stunting him? He looks to have plenty of room...but I'm no expert in stunting. I read that fish put out hormones to stunt growth, and I def do not want this....
I think he will be fine for now. I think up until 5-8 inches you'll be fine.
Would you recommend I complete the cycle with the fish? ATM I'm using pure ammonia for cycle
That's what ill do, I'll wait for it to finish cycling :)

Thank you.
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