Where can I good prices on heaters?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 25, 2003
An Oregonian in NC
It looks like the heater in my 30 gal is no longer working. Fortunately it is the hottest time of the year, so it will stay at a steady 74-75 degrees for a at least a few weeks. As this heater was given to me with the tank, I've never searched around for one. Any suggestions? Petsmart is nearby, but could I find a better deal online?
Thanks so much, those heaters look great! I am thinking of getting one for my 10 gal as well, as I hate the hang on back one I have now. So would a 150 watt be good for my 30 gal, and a 50 watt for my 10 gal?
A good rule of thumb to follow when buying heaters is 5W/g so a 50W heater is great for a 10g tank and a 150W heater is good for a 30g tank. I have 5 Visi-Therm Stealth heaters in various tanks now and intend to switch over 3 more of my tanks to them in the future. The only negative thing about the Stealth is that it has no visible indication when it turns on or off (there is no light). They are very reliable though and do the job well.
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