Aquarium Advice Freak
When I say easiest I mean no CO2 with stock lighting. I am redoing my 55 gal tank soon and want to start getting plants ready to go. I know some of these are blatantly easy but...
Hygrophila corymbosa
Amazon Sword
Echino tenellus
Java Fern
Micra umbrosum
Hygrophilia difformis (Wysteria?)
This online store has free shipping and all the plants are under $4 (there are 6 pages of aquarium and pond plants) with entire setups for around $20. They all have blue turquoise discus for $3.25 and blood red for $20.
Hygrophila corymbosa
Amazon Sword
Echino tenellus
Java Fern
Micra umbrosum
Hygrophilia difformis (Wysteria?)
This online store has free shipping and all the plants are under $4 (there are 6 pages of aquarium and pond plants) with entire setups for around $20. They all have blue turquoise discus for $3.25 and blood red for $20.