Which should it be!!! Reef or Lrwfo?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 22, 2004
sf, california
Which should it be!!! Reef or Lrwfo? hey my dad and i just got a 140 gallon Oceanic reef ready tank with all components pending upon our decision, but they will all be best. LRwFO gives you soooo many more options for fish whereas reef dramatically limits your choices.

Could you guys do a run down of the benefits of both and your opinions?

Also could you post pics of reef tanks and lrwfo to give me a beter general idea? TIA
it really all depends on your personal preferences. Do you want the fish to be the main coloration, or do you want corals to be. Do you want any inverts at all...crabs, snails, shrimp etc. To be honest with you, most people i know who start out with FOWLR tanks end up wanting corals eventually.
most people i know who start out with FOWLR tanks end up wanting corals eventually.
Hey, I resemble that remark :wink:

I started out wanting FO, decided to go FOWLR and now a year later I'm upgrading my sump, PS and lighting to go reef.

Fortunately my fish selection should not cause me too many problems. Possibly the Coral Beauty and Foxface might need another tank 8)
i think its gonna be FOWLR with the reef ready tank. i just like the fish soooo much more now realizing that i can't get a cowfish. although they seem difficult to keep.
cmor1701d said:
I started out wanting FO, decided to go FOWLR and now a year later I'm upgrading my sump, PS and lighting to go reef.

Fortunately my fish selection should not cause me too many problems. Possibly the Coral Beauty and Foxface might need another tank 8)

I think I just saw into the future 8O
I would go for a FOWLR tank, reef tank is difficult to maintain, need feeding on corals, need to add trace elements regularly, calcium etc... But if you start on a big tank and you are great in taking care of reef inhabitants, its really looks a lot nicer for a reef tank. But as you said FOWLR tank gives you many choices of fishes, its really true!!! You can add many kinds of fishes even non reef safe, hehe.
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