White around the mouth

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 25, 2011
One of our Tetra's just came down with white around his mouth, base of the caudal, dorsal and one of the pectoral fins. We move him to a hospital tank. Our DT is 29gal, pH7.6, 78 degrees, Nh3-0, No2-0, No3=5-10ppm.Water change done 6 days ago, 50%.There are 6 Platys, 8 Glolight Danios, 5 Panda Corys and 3 Tetras ( not including the one that I moved today ).Water changes are done weekly and are 50% alone with gravel vac of 1/2 tank. Filters are Penguin 150 and Cascade 150. Food equals Wardley Advanced,Ocean nutrition Formula 1( fresh water ), occas. frez. dried bloodworms,brine shrimp or tubex worms ( very occasionally ). Any ideas as to what this could be and best way to treat it? Our LFS reccom. Microobe-Lift daily following a 20% WC. Thanks:thanks:
this is most likelu a fungal infection known as cottonmouth and on the fins it is probably fin rot. my favourite medication is melafix which treats all fungal infections. another thing you could do is add a little bit of aquarium salt athough i recommend melafix. it usually has something to do with water quality and i suggest that you test your water for nitrates and ammonia every other day. good luck with youre tetra :)
You water is healthy so its not likely a fungal infection- fungal infections are opportunistic & are usually the result of poor water quality. What i am suspecting is a bacterial infection. Can you possibily post pics of your fish? Is the white area fuzzy or cottony-looking? Aq salt is a good idea until we ID the issue here.
I had a similar thing with one of my blue tetras. He had white around his mouth and at the base of his tail. my water was perfect, so mine wasn't related to the water quality either. I never really got a satisfactory answer, so I'm looking durward to hearing what people have to say about your tetra. Good luck :)
He's on day two of treatment and he seems to be Ok. Hard to tell completely because the med. turns the water a pale yellow in color and he hangs out at the back of the tank. He's eating fine and at least not acting worse. Sunday will be day 3 of treatment and then on Monday I will do a large water change and get a better look at him. Treatment with this med is only supposed to last three days.:thanks:
He's still in Q>T ( swimming,eating,pooping,etc) , still has a white lip. I'm waiting for some Kanamycin to come in. Still not sure what it is!
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