White film over Weather loach's eyes?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 29, 2005
Iowa, USA
I just got a third weather loach (golden dojo loach) from Petsmart. I had bought three, well one of them died within 45 minutes of being put in my 55 gallon talk (a new record!).

Anyways, I got a refund... the new one I got last night looks practically blind. The other two have bright, black eyes... his are very gray and almost remind me of a Blind Cave Fish. His body is kind of gray and sickly looking. I don't remember him looking like that at the petstore but he may have... they were busy and in a hurry to get me out of there.

Had a little bit of an ammonia spike, but the other two loaches are just perfect.

Any idea of whats wrong?
It could be cloudy eye, or any other number of issues. I would take him back to the lfs before he contaminates the entire tank.
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