White spot on side

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2014
One of my tiger (emerald colour) has a big white spot on its side it looks like there is some white stuff hanging of it. Not hanging very far like 2mm. He seems to be happy he is eating fine chasing others tiger barbs round normal fish things. Will this spot be a problem
It could be fungal, but what you describe could be columnaris. Columnaris is contagious and bacterial. It often responds well to antibiotics, like Maracyn 2, especially the less virulent strains when it is caught early. You should quarantine him if you can as soon as possible to minimize its spreading to your other fish. Search the web and this forum and look at photos and articles about columnaris as well as fungus. Note that there are many different strains of columnaris. Not all columnaris looks, acts or progresses the same.
Thanks guys

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Hello ewan...

If you feel your fish is sick, then it's likely water related. Most, if not all of the pathogens that have the potential to infect fish are active in less than pure water conditions. I would review my water change routine and feeding schedule. Smaller tanks up to 30 gallons should have half the water removed and replaced every week. Larger tanks can typically go 2 weeks between the 50 percent changes.

Diet is almost as important. Feed a good variety of flaked, freeze dried and frozen. Just a little of each every couple of days and include a little minced garlic. It's far and away the most nutritious natural food available.

My water is fine and it could be hard to change 50 percentage the tank is 80 gallons he is the only fish I'll in the tank. My other fish are Denis on barbs pictus catfish gold nugget pleco flow plecok and my breeding pair of cockatoos

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I will change the water twice a week at 25 percent

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I ment clown pleco not flow plecok

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I will try antibiotics

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