White spot treatment

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 27, 2017
My male EBR has a very small white spot that appeared on his head. He has been hiding a lot as well so it was hard to get a good picture.20170617_112214.jpg
I believe the spot may have appeared because we turned the heater down to 22C causing the water to dip to 26C at night. I turned the heater down because the fish tank is on the third floor in my son's bedroom and we do not have air conditioning. I have turned the heater up to 26C and this morning thr tank was at 32C. I have now turned the tank back down to 24C. This should keep the tank at 30C again which is what the tank was all winter.
I have a 54L tank. I am using this for treatment:
20170617_112515.jpg The bottle says 10ml per 100L so my LFS told me to put in 5ml yesterday, 17 June and 5ml more after three days, 20 June.

This is my first time in the 2 years I have had he fish tank that I have had to use this treatment. I noticed that some of the stones have turned blue from the treatment. Is this normal? How long should I continue the treatment?

Thank you in advance!
The blue is gone from the rocks and deco so I guess it is normal.
The male EBR is much more active today than the past few days which is great! 20170619_065852.jpg

How long do I keep the white spot treatment up for?

Thank you again,

Male EBR is still doing great, eating and being energetic.

Do I continue the white spot treatment until his spot is gone? I am going to do a 33% water change tomorrow. Which is also on the third day I would put medication in after the water change. How long does it normally take for the white spot to go away?

Here is a picture from today: 20170622_071004.jpg
Last night I did a 50% water change with graval vacuum. I added 5ml of Biotopol, 5ml of Ferropol, and 3ml of Denitrol after thr water change. 20170623_071658.jpg I did not clean my filter head just the outlet tube.

This mornig I woke up and my EBR male is gasping for air at the top of the tank. I Googled it and it appears he is under stress or there is not enough oxygen in the tank after the water change. I cleaned the filter head, not the filter media, and have much better water flow out now. I hope this helps with the oxygen.

I also noticed white mold looking stuff on the bottom in the gravel. Is this the dead white spot bacteria? I also have bearded algae growing again on my plants all of a sudden. Not sure what is causing it again. My tank is set at 30C. I have light on 3hrs in the morning and 3hrs in the evenings.

I also dosed 5ml of the white spot treatment again this morning.

Any assistance or comments will be greatly appreciated on what I am doing or what I can do better.

Thank you!

Pictures of the EBR, white mold and bearded algae. The female is hanging out with him but he is the only one in the tank gasping for air.
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