Who am I?

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Well this is just a wild guess from the left field bleachers of Yankee Stadium
Wait a minute, your not a Mets fan??? :p
I don't think New Yorks contains any Mets fans. 8O
lyquidphyre said:

Dr. Semmelweis was the person that realized that handwashing was important FIRST- not Nightingale. He worked in a hospital in Vienna and at that hospital the death rate of mothers dying during/after child birth were 5 times higher than those mothers who had delivered at home. The reason this was because the students who were delivering babies were also doing work with cadavers (for anatomy class) prior to making their rounds in the maternity ward. He realized this when a student working with the cadavers cut himself and displayed the same symptoms as the mothers did right before they died (shortly after the student died I beeive). When he made his students wash their hands before delivering babies, the death rate went down.. however at the time other doctors at that time thought it was rediculous and ostrisized him

Had to point that out =o)
carry on

That's interesting! I certainly never remember talk of that all throughout my nursing education. Everything was Nightingale, Nightingale, Nightingale....... It bums me out if those in my own profession take credit for something that belongs to another. Also makes me look awfully stupid! :oops:

Thanks for setting me straight, Liquidphyre.
:D Actually Kurt, I AM A METS FAN. I brought up Yankee Stadium because the clue was about the Bronx. :wink:

Yankee Fans. Don't understand them. How can anyone root for a team that's always expected to win? They're never elated when they win, only disappointed when they lose. In my mind rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for Saudi Arabia to strike more oil :lol: :lol: Sorry Yankee Fans.

OK, someone ask another question.
OK. A tough one then. My real name is Jerome but you all know me by another name. Ted Healy made my brothers and I famous producing shorts for Columbia Pictures.
I just watched the movie last week (don't know how it remained fresh in my mind).

And here is our next selection:

"I was born in England in 1903, the 7th son of my parents. We came to the US and became naturalized citizens. I would later joke that I left England because I found out that I could never become King. I worked a number of jobs before I found my niche. These included stints as a reporter, a boxer (I never won a fight) and a dancer. I asked my girlfriend to join me and we became quite a number during the days of vaudeville. I went out west for awhile, didn't pan out then. I finally caught a break in NY on the radio and was asked to come to Hollywood to make movies with a real skinny guy who could sing his *** off. We made a lot of movies together and I became known as quite a good comedian.

Who am I?

*BTW, I gotta go for awhile but I hope to be back shortly to congratulate the winner!
Damn.......I'll keep it easy as I'm off to bed soon and I don't want to keep you guys waiting until tommorow morning (middle of the night for you) to have the answer.

I was born in Germany in 1879. In 1901 a attained the Swiss nationality. I played a major role in WW2. But then again, everything is relative..........
Okey, If anyone has a guess and someone else can confirm it, then consider it right. I'm off to bed. Happy gaming! :D
Ok here goes:
born in 1847
totally deaf in his left ear, and approximately 80% deaf in his right ear
obtained 1,093 patents
one said "I never did a days' work in my life -- it was all fun."
Here goes:

"I was born in Scotland in 1703. I attended Oxford and led the "1st School of Economic Theory". I am credited with writing a book that purported to have led to the Industrial Revolution. The fact is, the book was only one part. I died before I could get the second part together".

Who am I?
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