Who CAN'T catch NTD?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 29, 2006
I've got a 20H in mid-cycle with a small school of neons. About a week ago, I took out one specimen who was showing all the signs of neon tetra disease. I observed him as a I read up on the nasty little bug, determined that was his problem, and euthanized him last night. The others show no signs, so far... Anyway, not that I'll be adding anything until we come down off our nitrite spike, but I was planning on adding a trio of yoyo loaches and something in a gourami. Should I be worried about these species contracting NTD? How long should I watch the remaining neons before I can stop holding my breath? (Probably as long as I have them, given their tendency toward death). What I really want to hear is that I don't need to take the whole tank apart and sterilize it.
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