Whodunit? Blue Ram Murdered

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 7, 2010
My male blue ram died today. He has a wound on his body just in front of his tail and another wound also on his body just next to his gill on one side. I'm thinking another fish was biting him which was tearing his skin off however I never witnessed any aggression in the tank...The gourami, ram, and one particular balloon molly were always in the same territory though.

Who do you think is responsible?

1 Dwarf Flame Gourami (edited)
2 Female Balloon mollies
1 Peppered Cory Catfish
3 Otocinclus
4 Guppies
6 Neon Tetras

Thanks for any help!
What Kind/Type of gourami is it?

The wounds could have been postmortem?

Thanks for asking guys...the gourami is a dwarf flame gourami.

The wounds were there for awhile (weeks/months) and progressively got worse. I had noticed them before but did not realize if it may have just been the natural coloration of the fish since it changed so slowly over time for me to realize.

Once dead and I got to examine I realized there was a lot of skin missing.
Hrmmm...my money is on the gourami but even that doesn't seem right...

I agree, the gourami (Goo) was added about 1.5 months ago. Once the gourami was added the blue ram (He-man) did not swim back and forth around the tank like he used to he hid a lot more.

Like I said though I never witnessed any aggression
Yup no problemo, I hope your other fish stay healthy. I wouldn't suggest using antibiotics because they may kill your good bacteria. Maybe some of the other members have suggestions to protect your other fishies
How big is your otto? I've seen them get real nasty.
gkuzel said:
How big is your otto? I've seen them get real nasty.

Otos are supposed to be good community fish... I've never heard of aggression with them.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
*Snickers at rogue oto.*

Although, our kribs are being driven insane by the never ending movement of their oto tank-mates, I have yet to see one attack a living fish.

My money would also be on the gourami.

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