Why Are My Fish Unhappy? Or Are They?

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Rocco Sieffridi

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
I seem to remember my fish doing this before I set up previous aquaria. But they group together and seem to search for a way out. I know this sounds strange, but instead of swimming around exploring or staking territory ( they are medium south americans ), they swim up and down and try to go thru the glass! Does this mean water quality needs tested because they want out? Or is this normal for the 5th or 6th day? Just got my bacteria bloom so maybe this is why?
What are your Ammonia and Nitrite levels?

This behavior could just indicate boredom or it could indicate stress due to poor water quality. Since it sounds like your doing a cycle with fish, it's probably the second as a result of the cycle. Anytime you're cycling with fish you need to be testing the water to ensure that the Ammonia and Nitrite levels don't get too high. When and if they do, be prepared to do a water change(s) to get the amounts back down to safe levels (at least under 1ppm, preferably under 0.5ppm). If you don't already have testkits, you'll want to make sure to get liquid kits for Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. The API Master Test Kit is a good inexpensive option.
Agree with Joy, it sounds like your fish are being affected by your cycle. You will need to do several, possibly daily water changes to keep the ammonia and nitrite to under .5 ppm. You can get the API test kit online for under $20.00 usually.
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