why do bettas bite their tail?

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The tail is destroyed but i did nt see it biting wat could be the possible reasons?
First a couple of questions...
How long has this been going on?
Tank size?
Age of tank?
Age of fish?
Water toxin levels? (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates)
Tank mates?
Water change and cleaning schedule?
...I have never seen a betta bite its own tail. Usually its some sort of fin rot or an over zealous tank mate.
Two problems... First, IMO, 1.6 gallons really isnt enough space for a betta. Personally, I believe they should have at least a five gallon tank. They do so much better in larger tanks.

Second... If the tank is brand new, it is not cycled. Poor water quality can cause fin rot quite quickly.

Does the tank have a filter?

And even if singapore is warm, you still get temperature fluctuations. You should always have a heater in the tank for warm water fish. Too much of a temperature change causes the fish to stress.

Read these two links.. They might help. In the mean time, keep doing water changes.

thebettafish100 said:
The tail is destroyed but i did nt see it biting wat could be the possible reasons?

Since your not really answering the questions this is about the only help that can be given...

Water quality. Do a large water change with clean treated water now. Do 50% water changes every day until his tail is better. In a small mass of water such as what you are dealing with toxins can build up fast, especially in an uncycled tank. If you can, get a liquid test kit to test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Test at least daily and do a water change anytime ammonia or nitrites are at 0.25 or above to get them as close to zero as possible.

Good luck and I hope your fish gets better.
Bettas do eat their fina. Especially the half moons because there breed to have the longer fins. Its usually stress related, could be a new environment and it could be water quality. Answers to all the questions would be very helpful!

Edit* also forgot to add that fin rot will be brownish and it will look exactly like it sounds, rotting. Bitten fins will have clean edges that just look torn.
Please read this link it will explain what you need to do.
Cycling a tank is the process of growing bacteria in your filter to process your fishes waste. VERY important. As blert said you need to do water changes using a dechlorinator everyday until the tank is cycled. This can take 4-8 weeks to achieve.
Your Betta is probably suffering from fin rot. It is caused by poor water conditions. Very clean water is the best treatment for him.
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