Why do people not like goldfish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 14, 2012
I've always wondered why there was such a large distaste for goldfish. I know everyone has their own opinions but to me I always thought they were perfect. So I just wanted to know your opinion, do you like them? Do you dislike them? Why? :cool:
No reason, Its not that I dont like them, but I hear they are very dirty fish. I have 3 ACFs that are pretty dirty and, I got rid of a common Pleco because he pooped way to much, If I wanted something that dirty I would get a couple big dogs. Otherwise, I think they are some very nice looking fish...Also the fact they need to be alone isnt very appetizing either.
Personally I did the goldfish bit when I was young and now I'm looking for something a little different. I much prefer the diversity of a communal tropical tank.
For me, the fact that you need a very large tank to keep just a few in is a real down side.
Also the fact that other than looking pretty (some anyway) they are just not that interesting to me to watch.
They require a lot more work than you average tropical community- daily vegies, multiple feeds per day, massive water changes etc etc
Also the fact that 99% of them sold in stores are going to be inhumanely 'housed' by ignorant purchasers makes me hate the fact they are even widely available so cheaply. Especially the ones that should be clearly marketed as POND fish.
I hate that goldfish are promoted as ideal beginner fish in tiny start up tanks.
I know none of this is the fish's fault, but I can't see goldfish in stores without feeling bummed about the fate that awaits them :(
I don't think they look very nice and I also think they are dirty fish.( poop a lot)
My goldfish are among the favorite fish that I have. Before I had them though I felt goldfish were very limiting. You could only have goldfish, they are really dirty, and require several more gallons to each fish as compared to a lot of tropical fish.

I'd be willing to bet that most people that express any dislike for them have never kept them in a properly sized tank. To me these are intelligent fish that just stole my heart with their personalities.
I don't know about you guys, but when my cat craps in the litter box I scoop it up and throw it away. Or if you have a dog and they crap in the backyard I'm sure you throw that away as well.
I have a 55 gallon tank dedicated to gold fish of different varieties. i love watching them cause they are so graceful and each one has its own personality. Yes they are a little dirtier than most fish but i clean there tank just like i do my angel fish tanks.
Everyone has their own taste in fish. One's perception of what is deemed as 'beautiful' or 'attractive' or even appealing differs from person (and this doesn't just apply to fish!). So, to each their own! I love my messy piggies and their puppy dog personalities and just don't see the appeal in a tank with a bunch of little fish. I prefer one or two big fish with big personalities instead. :)
As stated, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My personal dislike for goldies is due to the fact that they are a dirty fish - not because they poop a lot, but because in nature they feed by stirring up bottom sediment, which creates a dirty environment in which other fish cannot survive. Far too many of them end up released into the natural environment and have a negative impact on native fish because people get tired of them or are unable to care for them properly.
I have one fantail and I love watching it. It's a beautiful fish. Yes when in a bowl (as many times pets stores will suggest that you house them in) they do display what a large bio load they have. However since it has been in a tank with a filter I never have an issue with dirtiness. A delightful fish that is getting bigger by the day. I will be buying a larger tank soon.
I don't know about you guys, but when my cat craps in the litter box I scoop it up and throw it away. Or if you have a dog and they crap in the backyard I'm sure you throw that away as well.

Hehe, yep- every morning I would remove the tinsel with long-handled pincers :)
I like that I don't have to do that anymore. I don't miss 40% wc every 2 days either!
Everyone has their own taste in fish. One's perception of what is deemed as 'beautiful' or 'attractive' or even appealing differs from person (and this doesn't just apply to fish!). So, to each their own! I love my messy piggies and their puppy dog personalities and just don't see the appeal in a tank with a bunch of little fish. I prefer one or two big fish with big personalities instead. :)

Very well put :)
It's the same with Oscar and pleco lovers- if you enjoy the fish you don't care about the extra maintenance. So the reason for NOT liking them has to be more than just their dirtiness. I did love my pearlscale goldfish, but I was a bad goldfish mummy and had him in a 6ft tropical community tank :facepalm:
I love goldfish and I wish I could have a pond. I had a couple for around 5 years. They died a couple of years ago during an extended hot spell. We don't have air conditioning in that room and it got very hot. I tried throwing ice cubes in the water and doing water changes but the poor babies didn't make it.

I won't get them again.
I don't know about you guys, but when my cat craps in the litter box I scoop it up and throw it away. Or if you have a dog and they crap in the backyard I'm sure you throw that away as well.

I like this comment!! Too many times I have seen tanks undersized for the type of fish and lined with fecal matter because the owner is frankly too lazy to do anything about it.
I like them, but I have a hard time devoting a 20 gallon tank to one fish, where there are so many other cool things I could keep in it. I'm just gunna wait till next year when I make a pond.

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