Wierd Emperor Tetra predicament, need expert

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 16, 2007
Omaha Nebraska
Ok so 4 months ago I bought fifteen emperor tetras, 9 males and 6 females. About 2 months ago I found fry, only like 5 and apparently the fish spawned in my 75 gallon planted the ph is about 7.7. So I saved the babies I could and put them in a 2.5 gallon and am raising them. Now I decided to try to spawn them in a separate breeder tank etc. So I used and old 10 gallon put in a spawning grate, java moss, a airstone and heater, the water i used is RO water with a ph of 6.5, I read they breed much better in acidic water. After separating the sexes and conditioning for a week, I added a full female and one of the younger males late in the afternoon. In the morning I saw the male sort of courting and chasing the female, later that afternoon I saw that the female was terrified of the male and wouldn't even follow him around like before so I thought I would have eggs but there was still none. So my questions are whether to leave them in the tank for another night, Should I use my tap water b/c they bred in that before? do you think maybe they did spawn but ate all the eggs that fast? I think the main problem is the females because the males are always trying to get them to follow them into the java moss and they don't seem to want to, I just can't figure it out.
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