Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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My new pair of silvers that just spawned may be natural parents. I decided to let them get a few spawns under their belts and left the eggs in with them. Since laying the eggs the numbers of course dwindled down as I figured they would. Yesterday morning I discovered all the wigglers were gone. Didn't think much of it though they still seemed to be in guard at the other side of the tank. Went to shut the light off last night and there they were again on the slate. The parents are moving them around the tank

They are playing with you Ray. The game is called: Find the FRY :ROFLMAO:

On another note, I was at one of the few remaining Mom & Pop pet stores locally to me ( 45 miles away :( ) and I saw one!!!!! ONE!!!!!!!! A small, silver veil, with all the stripes, and the biggest fins you could ask for. And the veil was even on the long side. The body tho was about a dime size. I would have taken him but I went there to get test fish for my tank. Since I don;t know how his fish will adapt to my water, I wasn't going to spend that kind of money on a guess. When I spoke to the owner about what I was planning, he said " I'll buy yours for sure. I rarely see the size and quality of fish fins here anymore myself."
I need a crash course in hatching brine shrimp. I got some eggs. I have a 1-gallon water jug, I think I have tubing, air pump, stone, etc. My pair spawned again. I want to hatch one or two times so I know what I'm doing when I need to feed the wigglers!
OMG i'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing. my first breeding pair, that havent spawned in months??? are sliding up the filter....and being aggressive with everyone else......and i think I see tubes. they are in the "temporary community".......if they lay eggs, I can't move them. this is an internal filter with a nice wide base that can't be moved. but a very good place to spawn.....

nah....i'm not seeing this......
OMG i'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing. my first breeding pair, that havent spawned in months??? are sliding up the filter....and being aggressive with everyone else......and i think I see tubes. they are in the "temporary community".......if they lay eggs, I can't move them. this is an internal filter with a nice wide base that can't be moved. but a very good place to spawn.....

nah....i'm not seeing this......

Deb, If your pair hasn't bred in MONTHS :eek:, that's an indicator that something is not to their liking in their tank (and it's not the other fish being there BTW ;)) I'd check it out :brows:
honestly I think it's the fish. they came from the same tank that has the other pair spawning regularly. In any case, she slid up the filter for a while but nothing ever happened. Like she wants to lay eggs but cant/wont. her male never showed any aggression. I'm kinda glad tho, I dont need two spawning pair at the same time lol
honestly I think it's the fish. they came from the same tank that has the other pair spawning regularly. In any case, she slid up the filter for a while but nothing ever happened. Like she wants to lay eggs but cant/wont. her male never showed any aggression. I'm kinda glad tho, I dont need two spawning pair at the same time lol

I guess that's more evidence that we need to make some fish with higher IQs lol.
As for your pair "mock spawning", that's what all Angels used to do. They test the spawning site to confirm it's to their liking. If you can, block off that area with a slate so the fish have to use the slate instead of the filter box ;)
So a little update. The eggs from my new silvers became free swimming last Sunday. The pair turned out to be very natural at parenting. Prior to their first spawn they were extremely shy hiding in the back corner under the slate but now swim right up to me when I approach. So the fry have been free swimming when they surprised me on Friday by laying more eggs. I thought that having young under their care slowed the spawning. I guess not in this case. Now on Wednesday my koi angels spawned again and since I have no more space I decided to let them have a go at parenting. They have so far proven up to the task this time and have cared well for the now wigglers including moving them today. I separated my two angels that were up in the community tank. He was picking on her nipping at her fins so moved him in another tank. Not that it matters. I'm not sure I'm liking the look of the offspring. It might be early to tell but I think the fins look off like they have a bump on them. I'll wait a few more weeks before making the final decision. The parents need to be grown larger anyways. Well that's it for angels that is. I was successful with my long finned cherry barbs. Quite thrilled about that because the lfs owner that I sold my angels to mention he was disappointed about his cherry barb supplier went out of business. :D
I finally moved my spawning pair to a 20L by themselves. They are acting wierd tho, i feed them but don't chomp to the food, I've had to go back and removed food they havent eaten, which is odd. the male hides behind the long rock alot (mock slate i guess lol)

Are they just getting used to a new tank? They've never been in any other tank but the community since bringing them home as tiny ones.
they will adjust. it can take a week or 2 just make sure theres plenty of hiding spaces. sometimes they wont eat for a few days but as soon as they relax they will
So a little update. The eggs from my new silvers became free swimming last Sunday. The pair turned out to be very natural at parenting. Prior to their first spawn they were extremely shy hiding in the back corner under the slate but now swim right up to me when I approach. So the fry have been free swimming when they surprised me on Friday by laying more eggs. I thought that having young under their care slowed the spawning. I guess not in this case. Now on Wednesday my koi angels spawned again and since I have no more space I decided to let them have a go at parenting. They have so far proven up to the task this time and have cared well for the now wigglers including moving them today. I separated my two angels that were up in the community tank. He was picking on her nipping at her fins so moved him in another tank. Not that it matters. I'm not sure I'm liking the look of the offspring. It might be early to tell but I think the fins look off like they have a bump on them. I'll wait a few more weeks before making the final decision. The parents need to be grown larger anyways. Well that's it for angels that is. I was successful with my long finned cherry barbs. Quite thrilled about that because the lfs owner that I sold my angels to mention he was disappointed about his cherry barb supplier went out of business. :D

Hearing things like this brings to my mind, a mental picture, of a cheer leading squad, all chanting " More Tanks, More Tanks... You need MORE TANKS!!!" :D

On another note, I mentioned to my neighbor, the Koi farmer, what I was planning and he offered me usage of one of his 8' diameter above ground pools to grow out some fish. While I'm not crazy about the idea, I may need to take him up on it as I am having problems getting a pre-fab building in the part of my yard where I want it. If I have to build it myself, could be a while as summers here are too brutal to build in :facepalm:

On yet another note, one my test fish, some really nice delta tail guppies, gave birth to a single fry. Man, I am just not used to a Guppy having less than 15-20 fry at a time. I guess these are the new rules for Guppies. :blink:
they will adjust. it can take a week or 2 just make sure theres plenty of hiding spaces. sometimes they wont eat for a few days but as soon as they relax they will

they are both fighting over who's going to hide behind the rock lol
they did come up to hit the top of the water when I fed them tonite, so they are coming around
Hey Andy guess what? Stumpy is actually laying eggs again!! After what, 3 months? And Bubba is going behind her, so now my first pair is back in action lol
i need to bring a couple more 10 gallon tanks in from the garage. i have been putting 2 batches of eggs in each 10 i have set up now. im going to set up a nice bnp breeding set up also.
I have the empty 10 gallon and another 10 gallon not setup and a 29 gallon not setup I just got from Petco $1/gallon sale. She didnt lay many eggs tho, probably less than 50.
A & F Hatcheries part 2 has commenced. :brows:
Picked up 3 small Angels today (2- black, 1 Zebra) to use as future breeding fish. Pictures to follow once they have calmed down (and/or survive. :whistle:)

" Every time I think I'm out, they keep pulling me back in!!! " :facepalm: :D
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