Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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Just got eggs yesterday, they are in the corners on one end of the tank, most were eaten, but looks like about 25 still there atm. Probably would get eaten even if they make it to wigglers.

Didn't get them into their own tank yet...
well as of now i have 4- 10 gallon with eggs and fry and a 20 with almost dime size. little funny story , angels will do what they want. i have a 75 with 8 adult males and females ready to pair off . i put 5 pieces of grey slate in the tank for them to lay eggs on and guess where they laid them YEP on the filter intake tube. lol got to love this hobbie. any way im headed in there to move the intake tube and replace it with a spare i kept around just for this reason
well as of now i have 4- 10 gallon with eggs and fry and a 20 with almost dime size. little funny story , angels will do what they want. i have a 75 with 8 adult males and females ready to pair off . i put 5 pieces of grey slate in the tank for them to lay eggs on and guess where they laid them YEP on the filter intake tube. lol got to love this hobbie. any way im headed in there to move the intake tube and replace it with a spare i kept around just for this reason
I guess I'll know who to ask to ship me some angels when I need some ;) How much would you want for some? Are these the pearlscales?
Well I still have some eggs in the corners of the tank, still the same number, probably 25+.

I had to knock out a big Mystery Snail from cruising right over the top of them in one corner, put it 4' away in the opposite corner. :lol:

They are in the community tank.
A little update. The 2 silver pearlscale pairs are spawning weekly and promptly eating the eggs because they were sharing a tank. Not I said were. The first to spawn did so again a couple of days ago and this time seems content not to eat the eggs this time. So I finished up the test of the tank that the blacks were in when I lost them, cleaned out the tank, added new aged water and placed the other pair in there last night. They seem to be adjusting fine. The others pairs eggs are still there and they are busy guarding and fanning them. I decided this morning to pull the latest brood of fry from my silver parents and place them in another tank. I had a good idea that they were going to spawn today despite the young age of the current brood. The current brood is pretty small which wasn't originally but I lost quite a few due to the bbs hiding in the gravel. I also pulled all of that out this morning as well. The parents adjusted well enough and in fact did spawn a few hours ago. At first the male must have been confused because he was eating the eggs but after a few minutes began to joining in with the spawning. Still a little confused he began spraying his milt on the bottom of the slate whereas his mate was working the top. That lasted for only a few minutes as well before he got it straightened out. I'm willing to bet my Lois will start tonight or tomorrow and I'm waiting for my other pair of silver pearlscales to do something. I was sure I saw her tube out yesterday but with being moved she may have postponed it.
sounds great k keep up the good work. all mine have been real successful lately. i have so many orders already for fish that are not even a month old yet lol. im selling all my big fancy tail gold fish so i can have the 55 for a grow out tank. Hope all is good with all my angel friends
We had an auction on last Saturday and pick up of these guys


Gold pearlscale. Aren't they pretty?


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yes they are . i have a pair of them and i get eggs every 12 days from them. and they sell very well here
i have a black show angel fish that i got . and i let him have her for a few times and im hoping to get some half black and half orange babies
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