Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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I'm going to say they look like...fish. ;) sorry couldn't resist. While I have no idea what to call them I can say that they are very nice.
My koi angels did lay eggs today. Hopefully will be a better result this time. Quite a number of duds last time. I was also gone for the day and when I came home I noticed the eggs from my pearlscale silvers were no longer on the leaf. At first I thought that it wasn't a bigger surprise and that they ate the eggs again. Then I noticed that they still had the guarding stance and upon a close examination I found them moved to a new leaf and the eggs are wigglers. Third times a charm! :)
i got my first truck load of used aquarium supplies . i will be going through it all this week so i will be getting a list together for everyone.
Great article Bob. It's what I've been talking about being selective as to what you breed.
On a side note: wild Clownfish have long been coming into the market with odd or different striping patterns. I used to look at every clown in a shipment just to keep the "oddball" looking ones with strange markings. It's because the fish have a natural ability to make different striping patterns that made the "designer" clownfish possible. That is a little different than the Angelfish as I don;t recall many wild Angels having oddball markings but the offspring did. Again, there is debate on the full origin of the domestic Angelfish's original makeup. (my books don't go back that far :D LOL)
So my little black has been filling put and is about the size my silver girls started laying, and yesterday it was cleaning a leaf of my amazon sword with tube down so im 90% sure its a female!!! If she that means i have 3 females for Leo, 4 if my marble would calm down.
There's a new twist to my trio. Today, just one of the females spawned with the male. HOWEVER, over the course of the past few days, I've watched the female that spawned attacking the other female just as she was doing prior to the trio spawn. The male just let them go at it for a while before stepping in and admonishing the aggressor. Today, however, he kept the second female from approaching the spawning site during the spawn. Since this is only a 15 gal tank, in theory, they should have really beaten her up if they didn't want her in there. Since there is a second spawning rock in the tank on the opposite side of the tank, the second female seems to be able to stay out of sight for now. Now, since they haven't really roughed her up too much, does this mean the Male will breed with the second female in the next few days ( when she should be more filled with eggs)? I hesitate to take out the second female in the hopes that this will happen. I also don't have a good matching male for her at the moment either. :(
I've taken to trying to hatch this spawn myself in a 2 1/2 gal tank using basically rainwater with a minimal amount of softened, PH regulated well water mixed in. I used Prime to make sure that there were no issues with any metals or organics in this new water. I've also used some M. Blue in the water as well. Tomorrow, the tank will be brought into the house for better climate control as it is still getting up into the 90s during the day so I want to eliminate that as the cause for all the dead eggs of the past.

My next step if this fails again, is to get a proven pair from my buddy and see what kind of results I get. Nothing says "Something's Wrong" like a proven pair of fish with dead eggs.

So as I've said before, Trios are a hard thing to keep going. It's just not natural for the fish. Thankfully, for now, I haven't lost the second female. I have a place to put her but nobody to pair her with. Time to go fish shopping again :D
24 hours down, 48 +/- to go ;) Approx 95% of the spawn is still viable. No clusters of dead eggs, just sporatic ones here and there. Fingers crossed for this spawn :D (Toes, arms, legs etc. also crossed :D lol )
My silvers have done something out of the ordinary for them. They've eaten their brood. I left for work this morning with the certainty that I would come home swimmers as some were already beginning to before I left. I came to a tank with only the parents left. This is the first time they ever done this before. I'm thinking its possible that I've confused by changing their tank slightly by removing the gravel to keep the tank cleaner. I guess the next time will tell the story.
So after a week of cleaning in the 72G Community tank yesterday I found a intake tube FULL of eggs. And the Mr. doing his part in the process. The female was just swimming around showing off like a Prima Donna.

Male was fertilizing and chasing off every fish nearby.

This morning there are about a dozen eggs that are white and it seems they are knocking them off as there are about five white ones on the top of the screen part of the intake (Fluval FX-5).

So to me it seems they are getting the hang of this process. this is by far they best show of eggs yet.

I just saw the male over there looking like he is still fertilizing the eggs.

Is that fanning them?

I am going out of town in a week, should I just let things alone in there?

When I get back I am planning on putting them in their own tank to see if I can get some babies...
most likely u will come home to no eggs and no babies but yes get them there own tank asap
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