Will my tank hold the weight??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 24, 2002
Will my "All-Glass" tank hold the weight of 3" sand base, not to mention all the other weights that it will have to support?
we all do this everyday..

my dad was cleaning a 29 gal and a pebble was under it..well cracked a big line down the center :-/

well I(me) siliconed it back and it laasted me almost a yr as a SW tank.. with a 4" DSB LR etc till i downsized to a15 for ligthing reason.. the taqnk never leaked..

How big a tank are we talking about? Any retail tank will be more than strong enough to support the weight of a 4" DSB and 2lb of LR per gal plus the weight of the water.

In fact on some of the larger tanks the bottom glass is tempered for added strength.

The key is that the tank be level ao as the weight is distributed out over all the corners and seams of the tank. A tank as jacob mentioned that has weight on a specific spot or corner will fail because of the stresses on that 1 location.
Tank weight

As has already been stated, the tank must be supported all the way around the edges. It must also be level. If the floor is unlevel, such as a hump or dip in the flooring, it will cause the stand to flex and stress the tank. Also, the top of the stand must be level...or true might be a better word. If it is off just a little, you can put a piece of styrofoam sheet under the tank ( a thin piece...maybe 1/4 to 1/2" thick) and this will take up for the imperfection and distribute the weight evenly. If the floor is unlevel, shim the bottom of the stand so that it sits level and doesn't rock. This will probably not cause the tank to crack, but increases the chances of a leaky seam especially with the weight of a reef tank.
Logan J

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