Wisdom Teeth

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 17, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Everyone has story, even if theirs did not need to come out. (“I didn’t need my removed, but my wife….”)

That is all I have heard this past week—wisdom teeth stories. Trevor had all 4 removed last Wednesday and it’s my turn tomorrow. I am enjoying a glass of juice before I fast, since I want to be as knocked out as possible without going to an oral surgeon. Trevor’s were relatively easy, but the dentist said the roots of my wisdom teeth were mangled. No doubt, my teeth have never been good. Even after three years of braces and two years with various retainers, my teeth are still not straight. They are still crowded in the front and I had four adult teeth removed before the braces went on :roll:
Oh well, I’m off to bed. 7:30 will come all too quickly!

So, for everyone with wisdom teeth or just dental stories, bring them on! (I won’t read them until I am done and on painkillers :D)
My wisdom teeth were mangled, but they just numbed my gums... I was A-Ok after everything was said and done since I didn't go under.

My mom stocked my mini fridge with sunny-d, chocolate pudding, whipped cream in a can and mashed potatos... im sure that didn't help my freshman 15!
Mine were supposed to be really bad, but I came out fine. Right after I went shopping at best buy, where my only trouble was trying to talk to a friend I saw with gauze in my mouth. I stopped the vicodin the next day, it didn't really do much and I had no pay anyway, and had some beef jerky just to prove a point(i mostly just sucked on it). I think the funniest part was when I tried to leave the oral surgeon's office. They made me go out the back door so I would't scare any of the patients in the waiting room. Good times.
i don't know if i've got them or when i'll be getting them but...

i get a new set of molar teeth up the back every year. two in the top row, two in the bottom, four new teeth every year.
I must be strange, I only had 2 uppers. The lowers never develpoed. Must mean I'm only a half wit. :roll:
i had 4 teeth removed before wearing braces for 4 years then got 4 wisdom teeth removed about 6 months ago. they had to give me an extra round of shots so the good doctor could get me out of his office on time and they forgot to tell me to put the syringe directly into the wounds to flush out the excess food so it got a bit smelly :| i gradually started getting more and more pain in my jaw for about 2 years until i got my wisdom teeth removed.
I had all 4 of mine pulled, I was fine with it... I had pain killers, but was awake. the only thing that was a little rough was you can "hear" them cracking... ick... almost sounds like pop rocks...
although I was so thirsty afterwards and they said to stay away from liquids for a few hours...
I tried a little water... Im not sure if I got any in my mouth... but I know I wore alot of it... (basketball mouth)
THere is alot of hype around it... I heard bad things, but never from people that could withstand much more then a papercut... so... GOOD LUCK!!!!
Molars eh? My molars were never fully developed. There are about 1/3 the size of regular ones. The only problem that I have with them over the years is the lower right one. For reasons unknown to me or my dentist...it occassionally develops an abcess. The only thing my dentist suggested was that because of the low surface area, my gums in that area occassionally grow outward and then inward (sort of like an ingrown toenail). If you've never had an abcess...it's not very painful...just irritating.

Hope this doesn't cause you too much discomfort Menagerie.
I had all 4 of mine out when I was about 15, and I also could hear them breaking them up to get them out, and that was definitely the worst part about it.

I'll bet they are part of the reason you have had trouble getting your teeth straight, as the wisdom teeth will cause crowding of the other teeth. When I had mine out the rest of my teeth sortof "settled" and were not so tight together.

It is still not a fun procedure, and then you have to keep the sockets clean for a while afterwards. Good luck!!
Menagerie, like you, I also had 4 permanent teeth pulled, when I was in 7th grade. I then got braces, and didn't get them off until 10th grade! 8O I was actually driving with my driver's permit when I had the braces! But a few months later, they came off!!

I got my wisdom teeth out in 12th grade, I think. I had to go into the hospital because they were all impacted and painful. But it really wasn't bad. The best (or worst? LOL) memory is that the painkiller made me hear birds chirping -- in the middle of the night! 8O

I hope you are doing ok! :)
I had all four of mine pulled and went to my buddies wedding that afternoon!! I was so knocked out by the pill they gave me before that I was snoring in the waiting room and the doctor had to put me in my moms car afterwards!!! No bad stories for me but my little sister was swollen up like she was in a car accident with two black eyes and tons of pain. I guess that everyone has a different story but I think for the most part the build up is much worse than the actual procedure. Good luck, let us know how it goes. :D
When I had my wisdom teeth out they put me right out, I had hardly any swelling after and I didn't take anything for pain. My jaw was a little sore but that was about it. Don't suck on a straw or spit after you have your wisdom teeth out, you don't want the bloot clot to come out or you'll have 'dry socket'. The clot needs to stay in there so that the bone can fill in the empty spaces.
dralarms said:
I must be strange, I only had 2 uppers. The lowers never develpoed. Must mean I'm only a half wit. :roll:
Some people don't develop any wisdom teeth and some people can have up to 8 of them, most times it's genetic.
SsSarahsS said:
Some people don't develop any wisdom teeth and some people can have up to 8 of them, most times it's genetic.

That's right - my husband has 4 and they all fit into his mouth just fine. I am really hoping my kids have inherited that trait, so they won't have to have theirs out.
I have a consult with the oral surgeon in July. I only have 3 wisdom teeth. One of the uppers never developed. But, they like you to be awake when they pull the teeth, and if you want to be put under, its an Extra 400 bucks. My wisdom teeth are sitting right on the nerves that run through my jaw, so I could get some nerve damage if they pull the teeth, but my dentist wants them out because one of the lowers that is coming in has made a pocket behind my molar. Its a big stupid mess.
But I am sure you will do fine Menagerie. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Mine had to be cut out as they hadn't broke through the surface yet, so i was put to sleep. My Xray showed they were growing in SIDEWAYS! Anyway, i went home and that day i called one of my friends to get any info i had missed from class (college student) and talked to her for about an hour. Also, i ate a sandwich as soon as i got home becuase i was hungry! lol
TankGirl said:
I had all 4 of mine out when I was about 15, and I also could hear them breaking them up to get them out, and that was definitely the worst part about it.

Precisely my experience, although I was one year older.
Glad to report things went fine, but I am tired. They gave me some powder to put under my tongue and allow it to dissolve. An hour later they checked on me. I had to use the bathroom, so I bumped into things while getting there. After that, I don't remember much else. Next thing I knew Trevor was besides me to take me home. Once at home he took out the gauge and told me to rinse, which went all over me. Then I went to bed. Trevor made me take a pain pill, but the first one would not go back. The second time, he had a tupperware to get what didn't go down my throat. I am very tired and thing it is time for bed again.
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