Yay!! Pygmy Corys!

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Lance M.

Aquarium Advice Addict
May 1, 2004
South Carolina
I just got a group of 5 pygmy cories today. They are really cool!! And small!! Anything I should know about them?
my only comment is that they like all levels of the aquarium so don't worry if you see them swimming in the middle / top of the tank quite a bit....

They are cute little fellas...
Corys are one of my favorite fish!

Like Webmoose implied, they will often dart to the surface, where they gulp air.
Sometimes they fart out this air - hilarious to watch when two or three do it at the same time! :D

They appreciate some driftwood, java moss, or stacked rocks to hang out in and around as a group.

They'll eat just about anything that falls to the bottom, but they really seem to enjoy fresh partially-cooked veggies like peas and lima beans. I feed mine a sinking algae pellet once a day.

Finally, they seem to have alot of personality for such a small fish, and they blink and move their eyes in a way that will leave you convinced that they are checking YOU out! A neat addition to any community tank - enjoy them!
Oh yes cories absolutely ROCK.

So cute. i had 3 pygmy coris too they were all best friends with each other.

Hurrican Ivan killed all three.

Dan :)
I have 10 pygmies in one tank and about 15 in another--I just love them! Basically, they are easy to keep and are wonderful scavengers for food.
Ya they are awesome. Right now one of them is perched on top of an Amazon sword leaf about an inch and a half below the water and the others are in the sword plant or just resting on the bottom. They are really cool to watch.
Right now one of them is perched on top of an Amazon sword leaf about an inch and a half below the water and the others are in the sword plant or just resting on the bottom.
I love when they do that, but I haven't been able to get a pic :(
aw! cories are great... I have four right now and I love them. two are tiny albino cories, about an inch. how big are your pygmies? how big will they get?
Pygmies only get a max of one inch long. I have 5 right now, but I might be getting 3 more on Friday. Most other cories get anywhere from 2-3 inches long.
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