Yellow Water

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 12, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I came home today to find my water very yellow. it looked like tea.
I have recently place a piece of drift wood in the tank. I took it out. did a major water change and i'm now boiling my drift wood. the water that is in the pot is also turning yellow. Is this the cause?
And how long should i boil my drift wood for?
have you done a search for this topic? Just curious..
yea.. its the driftwood leaching tans. on you..
do you have active carbon in the filter.. it should clear things up for you..
as far as the methods for boiling and soaking goes I think it really depends on the peice of wood.. you could be looking at doing it many times until the water begins to look clear.. Good luck!
yeah i searched the topic.
Just couldnt find a specific amount of time to boil. They are not big pieces. But i dont know. I do have active carbon in my filter. i just changed it yesterday and then i came home and my tank was yellow/tan. like someone dumped tea bags in my tank. i dont know i have been boiling them for an hour now. and i have changed the water twice. the water is starting to look less yello in the pot.

Will the Wood ever STOP releasing tannins?
Soak all of your wood in a five gallon for a week or two doing 100% water changes and 5 minutes boilings each day until the water is clear.

And yes, it will eventually stop leeching.
ace1uno_00 said:
yeah i searched the topic.
Just couldnt find a specific amount of time to boil.

There really isn't one....personally, I never do...aside from the colour and a mild pH drop, the tannins do not hurt your tank or fish, and can be removed with activated charcoal in the filter, and with frequent PWCs.

Will the Wood ever STOP releasing tannins? just leaving it in your tank the tannin output would have dropped to almost nothing in 3-4 weeks.
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