Your thoughts on my new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 17, 2011
My 240l tank is up and running about 6 months now adding more plants soon currently running pure RO and re fertilising water myself just started running co2 this week so will put a recent pic on in the not so distant future. Fluval 305 filter with biomax phosphate remover ammonia remover nitrate remover and peat and carbon. Also running in tank filter just with sponges and polly wool. 3 42" daylight bulbs Arcadia lighting hood. Let me know your thoughts on the tank thanks

for lack of a better word...pretty! :brows:

your tank inhabitants???
gouramis (blue and gold) and clown loaches?
Joemonk1987 said:
My 240l tank is up and running about 6 months now adding more plants soon currently running pure RO and re fertilising water myself just started running co2 this week so will put a recent pic on in the not so distant future. Fluval 305 filter with biomax phosphate remover ammonia remover nitrate remover and peat and carbon. Also running in tank filter just with sponges and polly wool. 3 42" daylight bulbs Arcadia lighting hood. Let me know your thoughts on the tank thanks

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Just for you!!

Carbon and plant are not good together as carbon conpetition your plant on minerals.

Peat plus carbon are in big work together as tge peat color water and carbon remive it!! So the carbon should be remove!!

Plus dont add phosphate and nitrate remover as this is fertilizer you remove!!

Put lots of biomax and as you run peat amd co2 look closely you KH!! Keep it at 50 min with 2 sources of acids! Can even be upper than that!!

Yeah gold pearl 3 spot and others beginning with an o but cannot remember clowns 1 cat X-ray tetra silver shark and recently cardinals
I really like the simplicity of your tank - less is more!

colourful and clean!
Yeah that's what I'm going for want more plants running diy co2 now so plant are perking up. Very clean good quality water made so much difference running pure RO nice soft water the clowns love it
That's really beautiful. The only thing I'd do is to put a backing on the tank. I just have a thing about seeing the wires hanging down the back. :oops:

Really well done, though. I too love the simplicity of it.
Thanks I had a backing on it originally but think it shows off the water quality better without, it was a blue one thought have contemplated putting a black one on
Looking very nice. Crystal clear water too. Think I might agree about needing a background. I've black on my new tank & it does show things off well against it.
Thanks everyone much appreciated anyone got any pics of a planted tank with a black background then that would be very helpful
Joemonk1987 said:
Thanks everyone much appreciated anyone got any pics of a planted tank with a black background then that would be very helpful

I've no planting in yet, but will post a few pics once they arrive.
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