yoyo loach swims unusual

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
my yoyo is on the ground searching for food and suddenly twitches to the side, I think at this point I notice maybe it is scratching what he is doing because i notice my gourami is taping all of my plants trunks and leafs so I thought at first it was playing but now maybe it is all scratching methods?
I notice tiny white specs on the yoyos fin smaller than a grain of salt and maybe something around the gills of the gourami. I have been losing rummy noses and neons tetra 1 to 2 per week past three weeks. wed night I checked my nitrate and there about 30 to 40 if left longer than five minutes slightly more or about 40, i did a 50% water change that night and poor stress coat and prime in the tank after the water change. today saturday night I did another 40% water change and after poor some prime and stress coat. may any one help me please
Definitley sounds like ich. What you are seeing is likely "flashing" which is a sign of external irritation on the fish.

First thing I would do is start raising the temperature. The heat method will work well. Try and keep it stable around 87-88F. This will kill the ich. Raise the temperature slowly, 1-2 degrees and hour, as to not stress the fish more.

Agreed. Leave the temperature up at 87-88 for 2 weeks after you see the last signs of ich to make sure it is really gone.

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