A. cacatuoides & Blue Rams

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 28, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland

I'm thinking of axeing my
Apistogramma cacatuoides breeding tank and moving them into my main tank. Problem is that in the 46G corner tank (pics in the aquascaping section) are my pair of Blue Rams.

The Blue Rams never breed, but the Cac's do all the time.

Will they get along or just fight to the death?


Most of the time rams and apistos get along. The fry will be in danger with the rams most likely though. You must remember that all fish have different personalities and they may not get along. You will need to be prepared just in case with a back up plan.
i'm dreading taking them out again if it goes wrong.

last time i did this i had to take out EVERYTHING from the planted tank to find the expert hiding female.
It is unlikely you will have any problems. Including myself I know of many that have kept them together with no difficulties.
I actually wouldn't worry about any fry that the Cacatuoides may have, they are more than capable of handling a couple of Rams/ super dithers in defense of their fry. Any Tetras, Plecos or Corys(with the exception of dwarf species) are a completely different story.

Thanks for all the replies.

I moved the male and younger female the other week and its been all good so far.

The male ram and cac get on fine, best buddies even. The male cac does seem to chase the female ram a bit but she's used to it.

The female cac had a spawn right in the front left of the tank a couple of day ago but the egg's didnt last the night and there wasnt much territorialism going on thankfully.

I've got more issues with the older female left in the 20G breeder. She's gone and had another bloody brood already. Since she is the only fish left in that tank (other then a couple of oto's) she's happy as larry with her mega brood. Beyond that i've now started spotting at least 5 teenage cac's from a previous brood kicking about in the tank.

They must have been hiding all along while it was busyier and are now happyily taking over the almost empty tank.

I'm going to leave it a couple more month before tearing the tank down and relocating the last adult female. Any babies and teen's i can rescue will be donated to the LFS for their display tanks.

Best Regards,


p.s yes i will post pictures. next week after my holiday.

Just a little update.

Have the elder female in now too and it is interesting to see that now the Cac's have a numerical superiority the females have got alot more "*****y" with the blue rams.

Even more surprising is that the younger female has managed to rear a brood and is currently staking out the centre of the tank as her fry area. Much to the dismay/amusement of the other 40 odd fish in the tank!

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