Dwarf Angels

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lemonpeels are fairly aggressive, my thoughts would be that you would be pushing your luck.
Would this be an issue in a 75G tank? I have a half-black dwarf and hadn't really considered adding a different angel till coming across this post.

I have seen 2 and even 3 dwarf angels co-exist in the same tank, but they have to be introduced at the same time, there should be lots of LR and hiding places, and they should be comparable in size. The one exception is the Pygmy Angel, which can be a real pistol regardless of when it's introduced.

half-black dwarf and hadn't really considered adding a different angel till coming across this post.

I have both heard and read that you can keep a dwarf with a "regular" angel, since they are not from the same genus, they should not fight. But there are very few "regular" angels that can be kept in a 75g. An Indian Yellowtail Angel (Apolemichthys xanthurus) is one. I have one and they are not only beautiful, but very smart.

i think the most common pairing is coral beauty/flame angel, i have them in my 75gal.. as long as u provide plenty of rock work.. they are fine, the play tag every now and then but are generally fine..!
Those are exactly the two I've seen together, and coincidentally, those are exactly the two I would want. The third I've seen is a bi-color pygmy.

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