29 gallon Black/Whiteskirt Tetra Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 2, 2016
29 gallon with 13 fish...6 blackskirts, 5 whiteskirts, 2 green glofish tetras, all have matching semi aggressive temperament.
Should I get more of the same? Different school? Centerpiece fish? Thanks!
Are you married to the idea of skirt tetras? What if you got the 6 blackskirt tetras, a school of 6 rummynose tetras, and 2 dwarf gourami? Some mild variation maybe? Just an idea. :)
Whiteskirt, blackskirt, glofish tetras are color variations of the same species, a species whose appeal escapes me. Rummynose tetras are a great suggestion as they are colorful and occupy the bottom third of the tank. You also can't go wrong with old staples like Pristella tetras, neons, or glowlite tetras.
Am open to any other species I can have in tank, I'm just trying to remain mindful of my tetras temperament, as they are kind of aggressive.
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