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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I was looking in my tank, with my nose pressed against the glass :oops: , and I noticed what I thought at first was water spots inside the glass. looking harder I discovered that the "spots" are waving around in the current. they are ALL over the glass. Is this algae? it is white not green, something I have never noticed before.
Sounds like nematodes, or white worms, that are growing on the glass, and likely on the substrate as well. These are creatures that will feed on excess nutrients in the gravel and in the water column, so you can handle this by cutting way back on feeding, vac'ing the gravel with extra care, and basically increasing water changes for a bit until they die off.

They are gross but they are not harmful to the fish, and just about everyone will have them at some point or another!

After they are gone just be sure there is not excess food decaying in the tank and they will likely not return.
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