Baby guppies while Cycling

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 3, 2010
I just joined this group yesterday, and got some great help for my tank that is still cycling. (Still having super high nitrite.) I mentioned that one of the guppies has swollen tummy, and was lying on the bottom. I googled her symptoms and assumed it was dropsy from the bad water (I ruled out pregnancy because I could not identify gravid spot.) Turns out she WAS pregnant! Now I have one baby, maybe two, and not sure if there is another one coming. Like I said, I am in the height of cycling and am doing PWC everyday now. What should I do with the babies? Do I need to separate them out? What about mama guppy? Does she need special treatment? This was an unplanned pregnancy, so I don't know what to do, especially since I am still cycling, and have to deal with that issue too. Anybody have recommemdations?
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