Bottomline: do Betta fish need a heater to thrive?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 6, 2014
New Jersey
Googling this question comes up with only amateur answers, so I'm hoping to get responses from some more experienced betta owners.

I live in NJ, so my home is generally:
fall: 60 degrees.
winter: 55~60 degrees.
spring: 65~75 degrees.
summer: 80 degrees.

There are countless of youtube videos, fish blogs, etc, that say their betta fish is just fine in a filter. Their definition of "just fine" isn't clear, but they say their betta swims actively and live for several years.

So what's your opinion? 0X
Hi! I had Betta without a heater for about 2 months, but he wasn't really active! When a put a small heater in his tank he really perked up! Bettas are technically tropical fish so a heater is a good idea! I live in Jersey too, so I know how cold it can be! Some people get lucky without heaters but I would suggest getting one ( especially for the colder months)
Technically, do YOU need a heater? No, probably not necessarily (and it depends on where you live), but your health and overall quality of life is so dramatically improved by a heater that having one is essentially required.

Analogy aside, a cold betta is much more susceptible to a number of diseases, as well as being much less active and content in general. I would consider it 'required' in the vast majority of circumstances.
In general, bettas do best in 78-80F water. Cooler makes them far less active and susceptible to disease, as pointed out above.
Bettas are tropical fish. They absolutely will not thrive in water that is at 60 degrees. Heaters help avoid temperature fluctuations as well, which weighs heavily on the fish and it's immune system.

I keep my boys at 78.
I've had bettas both with and without heaters. My house really never gets below 67° and never above 75° so I never really thought heaters were a must, but I can tell my bettas are so much happier with heaters. They become so much more active. So while a heater may not be required, I would definitely advise it
There's not a firm answer because conditions vary so much. The temp in my house is fairly stable year round (70s). So I can get away with not using a heater. Now for the OP's home, I'd definitely use one during fall & winter.
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